Monday, February 1, 2010

No More Heroes 2 Short Review

Ok so out of the three games I got that came out on the 26th, No More Heroes 2 was my favorite, I like Tatsunoko Vs Capcom and MAG (well I actually GOT MAG on the 29th...) but No More Heroes 2, much like it's predecessor, was a masterpiece of wonderfulness. First off let me say that the 8-bit mini-games were a great idea and are very addicting and since you don't have to pay for every ranked match, making money isn't as tedious as the first game, well tedious would be a strong word to use... Anyway the only two mini-games I don't like are the tile one, but to be fair I only dislike it because it's like a game for people with the IQ of Albert Einstein and the Scorpion one, you know the one that's not 8-bit, yeah I just didn't like that one... Also I think that pretty much every boss was imaginative and memorable (except for Million Gunman, I forget his name all the time and sometimes just forget that there were two bosses you fight as Shinobu) also, seeing who was going to be next was just as awesome as the original, oh and now they have this mode called "Death Match" that you unlock after beating the game and holy crap it's awesome, you basically replay all the bosses, but the only problem is, that you fight them on like bitter mode or something because I only got Million Gunman to half freakin health. Anyway, speaking of Bitter mode, it's in the game... and it's hard... and I mean freakin pull out your hair, yell at your TV, throw your Wii Remote, impossibly HARD, seriously I couldn't even beat Skelter Helter on Bitter and you can hardly even consider him a boss since he's so easy. Also, you can play this game with a classic controller and trust me it's way better that way, on my first playthrough I used the Wii Remote and Nunchuck so that it would feel like the original, but then on my second playthorugh I used the classic controller, and holy crap, it was awesome, seriously I urge you to the classic controller for this game, it also makes the 8-bit games feel more... what's the word... I guess "smooth" would be the word. Also, play as Shinobu feels a little bit awkward when jumping, really it's not the worst jumping mechanics I've ever seen and hardly noticed it in the second boss that Shinobu fights, and playing as Henry feels like playing as Travis, but with no charging and with a dash move instead of melee, and trust me that dash move will make you wish you had it for the whole game. In conclusion, this game is totally worth it and the story will really be the main selling point, and if you already have the first one, then what the hell are you waiting for, you should already have this game.

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