Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Random Post of Randomness

Ok, my wrists are certainly getting better, I don't wanna promise to much... but I will most likely start to get back into the regular one post every other day sometime after Comic-Con, which by the way I will be going to on the 24th. I will most likely have a few videos from Comic-Con uploaded on like the 24th (put really late) or the 25th... put I won't make any guarintees. Ok so let's get this show on the road... just random topics is all this post will be... Oh right, I almost forgot, I just wanna thank anyone who actually stuck with me and my blog even with my lack of updates, however I'm pretty sure that I'm thanking nobody because I don't think I've had people visiting my blog for a LONG time.

1. Plans for future posts:
All I can say is that because of my lack of Weekly Jump posts... I will most likely pick a random day to do one HUGE Weekly Jump post summarizing every chapter from where I left off to the current chapter... but I don't know when I'll do that.

2. Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded trailer
Ok, so if you haven't seen the trailer for Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded trailer yet then you can see it here. This trailer actually surprised me, I mean, I wanted the game because it was a chance for me to actually play coded, since I don't think I can afford a Japanese cell phone with a Japanese cell phone plan... but now that I see it's mixing in like 3 or 4 different gameplay elements I am seriously crossing my fingers for localization. Of course, on the strange off chance it will be a Japan excluse I will still import it.

3. Bleach Heat the Soul 7 Roster
Apparently the number of characters in Heat the Soul 7 was leaked by a retailer known as Game Star, and it is apparently 84 characters. Ok, I know that when Eighting announces character lists for Heat the Soul, they count transfermations, but this wasn't announced by them so this might not count transformations. Of course the key words are MIGHT NOT. Read the full article here.

4. No More Heroes 2: Hopper Edition
Final topic for this post, ok, so not only is Japan finally getting No More Heroes 2, they get a shiny awesome special edition. This special edition encludes a movie entitled "No More Heroes 1.5", a Soundtrack, and uhh some sort of art book or somethin. Oh, and apparently if you pre-order it you get an... am... am I reading this right? Uhhh, apparently if you pre-order you get an "erotica comic"... Anyway, it'll retail in Japan for something around $100 if I'm not mistaken... I am pretty sure it will be a Japan exclusive, and if it is I will still most likely be getting it. Read more info on it here.

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