Monday, August 31, 2009

5 ps2 games I would REALLY recommend

Ahhh the ps2, in my opinion it's the best game system ever and these are 5 games I recomend you get if you don't already have a ps2 (ha yeah right) or if you need some more games to play on your ps2, this includes game series as well.

5. Katamari (series)

Ok so I only own Katamari Damacy but I've played Me and My Katamari but plan on getting Katamari Forever. Oh well, anyway the two Katamari games on the ps2 are Katamari Damacy and We Love Katamari, let me tell you this before you go out and buy it... this game is WEIRD, especially because of what the objective of the game is... Ok so basically you roll this big ball around (stop laughing) and your goal is to roll things into this ball to make it bigger (I said STOP laughing) and you have to get it to a certain size (screw it just keep laughing) and then you make it into a star... or in the case of the last level you make it into the moon. Anyway despite how weird it sounds (and how high the intro makes you feel) it is REALLY fun. Luckily for you, this game is easy to find for at least $10-$15.

4. Klonoa 2: Luneatea's Veil

Ok so I would recomend any Klonoa game because I am just such a huge klonoa fan, this game is platforming gold. this game is so fun but about the story mode... either you hate it or you love it, in my opinion I do like it alot but some people just hate it. Anyway, the game is really fun but the difficulty curve seems to play it cool for a while and then a few levels late it goes up just a LITTLE bit, then keeps doing that til that stupid maze level that was just too hard when I first played it years ago that I needed to get a Gamefaqs guide. Believe it or not this game should be really easy to find for a low price.

3. Persona 3

Yeah I know, "Why did you only say Persona 3 and not Persona 4?", well that's because Persona 3 is the only game in the Persona series that I have played, and infact I didn't even mean to buy it, it was on sale and I had just money to buy it along with Disgaea 2 and WOW it was awesome, ok awesome is an understatement, it was EXTREMELY AWESOME it has got to be one of my favorite RPGs of all time. The story is definatly one of the things that keeps you playing and it's kind of like a mix of an rpg and a sims game because of Social Links. Social Links are basically bonding with different friends by doing things like joining a sports team or staying in your room on a sunday afternoon to talk with someone on an online MMORPG. Social Links are kind of complicated to explain so it would be best if you just experience this game first hand.

2. Ape Escape (the whole series)

Ok I am going to be honast, since this isn't really a "top 5" list and these games are just kind of in random order, then this is number 2, if it were a top 5 list I would have to find a way to put it on a better number than number 1 because I love this series so much, even the spin-offs like Pumped and Primed are awesome (despite what most game review sites say I love pumped and primed), just everything about the series is great, especially the graphics, I mean just look at the cell shaded cutscenes in Pumped and Primed or just any part of the game of Million Monkeys and tell me straight in the eye that you have seen better looking graphics on a PS2. Well anyway, this game series is so much fun, but there is a downside, even though it is well known for being the very first game to use a ps1 Dual Shock controller, apperantly Sony must not think it's very popular because we haven't gotten an Ape Escape game since Ape Escape 3, but that is definatly not going to stop me from playing games like Million Monkeys or Ape Escape Acedemy 2, and it seems that much like the Blade Battlers series Sony has forgotten about Ape Escape, especially because the only new Ape Escape game in japan for quite some time was a game that was supposedly an "American exclusive", but trust me Sony, you may have forgotten Ape Escape, but your fan's have not...

1. Metal Gear Solid (series)

Ok so Metal Gear Solid 1 is on the ps1 and Metal Gear Solid 4 is on the ps3 but Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 are on the ps2 so this series is on the list. Well Metal Gear solid 2 is awesome but if your a really big fan of snake then this one might not be for you especially because in Metal Gear Solid 2 Raiden is kind of... uhhh... how do I put this... well you all know the word I'm going so say... he is nothing like Metal Gear Solid 4 Raiden (awesome Cyborg Ninja Raiden) and like many Metal Gear fan's say, he stole snake's limelight, but that's not to say the game isn't still awesome because it is, oh and there's a skating mini-game in the substance version that's just awesome. Ok... Metal Gear Solid 3... uhhh, well it's basically the much needed backstory of Metal Gear Solid that tells the story of Snake's dad "Naked Snake" aka "Big Boss" and it's pretty good, you even have to take medical care of yourself and eat stuff you find in the wilderness (surprisingly some snakes taste pretty good...) oh and by "medical care" I mean things like burning leeches off your body with Cigar's and picking bullets off your body with your knife, yeah I know it sounds effing painful. All of the games in the Metal Gear Solid Series are great and I recomend you try them all out.

Well that was my list of ps2 games I really recomend, remember I update every other day so keep checking for updates.
Even though Metal Gear Solid 1

Saturday, August 29, 2009

This Week in Weekly Jump

Ok basically this is going to be a short summary of what happened in the newest chapters of Naruto and Bleach from Japan's Weekly Jump. This is just really all the info you need to know on the chapter without reading it. NOTE THIS CONTAINS MAJOR SPOILERS AND I RECOMMEND THAT YOU SHOULD ONLY READ THIS IF YOU ARE THE KIND OF PERSON WHO WOULD READ SCANLATIONS, SO PLEASE IF YOU WANT NARUTO AND BLEACH TO BE A SURPRISE THEN DO NOT READ THIS

Sasuke challenges the Raikage and all the other Kages are pissed at Danzo for probably using his sharingan in the Kage meeting. Oh and did I mention that the Raikage broke freakin Zabuza's (or Suigetsu's now) sword, in like freakin half, so Jugo steps in and goes full curse seal which looks pretty awesome.

Well as we all know last chapter Barragan was killed by his own power but this chapter we get a cool flashback from when he was king of Hueco Mundo which was actually pretty cool, in the flashback Barragan was simply bored of being king and then Aizen shows up and promises a "new world" when he takes over, Barragan laughs at him and sends all of his men to attack, Aizen destroys them with his "shikai" (it was just that fade to black then fade in to find everything around him dead BS). We then (hopefully) get ready for that Stark battle as we get to hear a few words from Stark about how they really don't care for (and don't wish to avenge) their fallen comrades.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Runescape: How to Make Money and Train at the Same Time

Ok first of all I will not ask for your password or account this is not a scam, I will not ask you for ANYTHING, this is simply how I make money (it will take alot of time to make ALOT of money but it's a good way to make money and train at the same time. I have two methods (one thats more effective if your a ranger or archer of a high level)

Method 1: Killing Dragons
Ok if you are less than level... hmmm lets say 75 then ( I mean alot less with no good armor) then go to the dungeon south of Taverly and keep going until you reach the area with baby blue dragons (assuming you have the key to reach that place or a high agility level) and collect blue dragon scales from the ground, it's an easy way to make an OK revenue. If you are actually a high enough level to kill green dragons (this is better if your a mage or an archer) and go to a spot in around... say... level 14 wilderness north-west of the mine, if there are more than 2 people (not including you) in that area and you are not a really good mage/archer or a REALLY high level using a god sword or whip then chances are everyone is going to steal your kills, switching to another world until you find one with only 2 other people in that spot can be a bother but it's the best way. So by now your probably asking "How the hell does this make me money?" ok dragons drop dragon bones and dragon hide everytime you kill them and dragon bones are worth about 3k and dragon hides are worth about 1.5k, the stronger you are the more you can hold without running out of food and leaving. It's really good to be an archer or mage in this method because then you can be the one stealing kills and not getting your kills stolen. Every trip is about 40K (not including the cost of the food you have to use of course)

Method 2: Chaos Druids
Unlike dragons chaos druids are level 13! And these are good for combat xp, money, maybe herblore xp, and a little bit of theiving xp if done at the chaos druid tower north of Ardougne. It will only increase theiving xp if done in the chaos druid tower if your theiveing level is 59 or more because there is a chest in the dungeon under the chaos druid tower that contains 2 blood runes and 500gp and also sends you closer to the Ardougne bank. Chaos druids drop all kinds of herbs and alot of gems as well as many runes (they actually drop law and air runes quite frequently which is good for teleporting to varrock to get to the grand exchange. Every 3 trips of full invintories is about 100k-125k so when I did about 9 or 10 trips I made about 375k which is alot for killing something level 13.

Well that is how I make money in Runescape, I might make more videos about other MMORPGs soon, and remember I update every other day so please keep checking for updates.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Top 5 Underrated Anime

Wow, and I mean wow, this list was difficult because these are 5 of my favorite anime underrated or not.

5. Higurashi

Ok this isn't as underrated as everything else on this list because so many people know of it as "that anime with the creepy torture scenes" but believe me that's not all Higurashi is about, if it was then I might as just rewatch the last episode of School Days instead, at least I can find that Legally on Crunchy Roll... anyway, Higurashi starts out with a scene of the main character beating someone to death with a baseball bat, then transitions over to his happy school life =), now just like so many other anime Higurashi likes to show you small bits of stuff happening later on and sometimes doesn't even explain that stuff til you forget all about it 4 arcs later, oh and did I mention *slight spoiler* that the main character DIES in episode 4, only to come back in episode 5 as if nothing happens because different arcs are different scenario's basically, you get used to it after a while but the first time it's just really confusing. All in all if you like slow painful gory torture mixed with happy fun school anime goodness, then try to check out Higurashi, especially since a new series box set comes out next week.

4. .Hack (all series)

Well, I guarantee that most of the people who know what .hack is probably know it because of the games (which by the way are awesome) but there were anime series too, like sign, roots, legend of the twilight, and not to mention some of the manga series like, XXXX (aka X-fourth), G.U. +, and the extra stuff like .hack 4koma and .hack gift. So basically despite how unpopular the series is in america I'm pretty sure it's huge in Japan. Well there is alot to talk about as you could read so much that I could spend hours talking about each series, but sadly I have other things on the list and must end this one with a simple recomendation that you at least check out one series.

3. Desert Punk

Well a friend of mine has Netflix and watched this series from there (yes Netflix users you can check this anime out without having to buy anything) and so because he recommended it I bought the series box set and wow, it was great, it was really funny as a comedy, it always had you wonder what ingenious trick Desert Punk has up his sleeve, but surprisingly it was very good at being serious, the last episode felt entertaining even though there was nothing funny in the entire episode, which is hard to pull of in a comedy anime because usually in a comedy anime, you hate it when it gets serious (like that crappy anime adaptation of Rosario Vampire) but Desert Punk seems to pull it off just fine.

2. Gankutsuou

Ok I'm gonna be honest, I haven't finished this anime yet, but from what I have seen it's kind of like Code Geass and Blood+, there's always a twist at the end of each episode, this is one of the anime Funimation got the rights to from Gonzo, which means that a new box set came out, making this one easier to find, it is also on Netflix like Desert Punk. Now this one is so underrated that I bet most of the people who watch it today only know of it because of TeamDN's (formerly TeamDattebayo) Death Note the Abridged series, infact, that's how I found out about this series. Believe me this is a good anime with alot of funny moments.

1. Gantz

Ok I DO NOT recommend this one for kids, Higurashi's brutal gory violence may scar you but trust me all of the bad words, violence, and sex in this series make it so explicit that the manga volumes have to be covered in plastic. Just like me alot of people found out about Gantz from the hit internet series Gantz Abridged by hbi2k. Even though there are alot of things in the anime that really didn't need to be there (like that old lady from episode 1 coming back over and over and over again) and the anime only made to mission 3 (not including the filler mission) whereas the anime had at least 10 missions, the anime is also very slow paced, something that could have happened in 1 episode usually takes about 4 (not an overegzageration) however if you have the whole series (either the box set or the "perfect score collection" that comes in a little gantz ball) then it's not that big of a problem. So to sum it up I REALLY recomend Gantz and the good thing for americans is that it's not too hard to find the DVDs and the manga is apperantly going strong over here, so if you can I really recomend the manga more than the anime because it goes on for alot longer and isn't even over in japan yet (final chapters begin this October).

So that was my list of good underrated anime, try to check all of these out if you can and remember to support the official release by buying the dvds or manga, and remember I update every other day so check real soon for more.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Top 5 Bleach Games

Ahhh Bleach, with all of the good and evil characters the possibilities of video games of this series are almost as great as Dragon Ball Z... then again it doesn't have as many movies... oh well, here is my list of top 5 bleach games, remember this is only of the bleach games I have/played and so if I missed your favorite please don't get pissed.

5. Bleach: Heat the Soul 4

Ok, ok if you have this game SORRY IT IS NOT HIGHER ON THE LIST, it's just REALLY hard to break down all of the awesome bleach games into a top 5 list, and believe me if I did this list when this game was new it would be number 1. Ok this is the second best game in the heat the soul series in my opinion (since I heard heat the soul 5 sucked and I avoided it) especially since it's the last heat the soul game that let's you use transformation characters in single battles, however unlocking characters gets kinda repetitive because you unlock them by getting points in Character Master Mode where you fight opponents arcade mode style with different battle conditions like, defeat the opponent while your reitsu gauge slowly decreases, or finish the opponent with a special, believe me that sounds awesome at first but the requirements seem to repeat themselves very often and you have to do Character Master Mode at least 5 times to unlock 1 character... I am still missing at least 3/4 of the roster...

4. Bleach: Soul Carnival

Ok the first thing I want to say is, the intro to this game is AWESOME, seriously go look for it, don't continue reading until you see it, just look for it on youtube and you'll think it's an actual Bleach opening. Anyway, the game is basically a 2D Bleach slash em up with a ton of playable characters and so many path ways in the levels it feels nowhere near linear (FINALLY SOMETHING LIKE THIS COMES OUT!!!!), this game is really fun but it has it's flaws, like how you have to constantly repeat levels to level up enough to beat the boss of the current level or how the backgrounds usually repeat in a boss battle like a flintstones cartoon so when you shunpo to the right to get away from the boss you just end up right next to them at the left edge of the area.

3. Bleach Blade Battlers 2nd

This is an importing MUST for a bleach fan who can play Japanese ps2 games, but much like unlocking Wrath in Fullmetal Alchemist Dream Carnival unlocking Inner Hollow Ichigo is not worth the hard work it takes to unlock him. That aside, Story mode is kind of hard but if you have a good strategy then you should beat it with ease. Story mode isn't really all that fun (and is only for unlocking stages)
compared to battlers mode (which is how you get characters), basically battlers mode is like... ok let's say your on a board, green squares are just normal spaces, red squares are missions that you choose who to play as, and blue squares are missions that the game makes you play as a certain character, and there are 3 "conditions" for each mission (you don't HAVE to do them to pass the mission) that unlock crowns, and basically if you get 200 crowns you unlock a special path, and if you make it to the end of that path you get hollow ichigo, did I mention you have to do certain blue tile missions to unlock parts of that path, to my luck I just HAPPEN to do those missions and unlocked hollow ichigo almost directly after getting 200 crowns.

2. Bleach Heat the Soul 6

Ok there is no Character Master Mode in this one but a really good (and effin hard) story mode as well as OVER 70 characters (obviously including transformations) as well as movie characters like Senna (1st Movie), uhhh the villain from the third movie, and Dark Rukia (3rd Movie), which you unlock the same way as any other character, through story mode, this is basically the "fight people POSSIBLY under certain conditions" and the story starts at the battle against Renji (the one in the HUMAN WORLD at the very first arc of the anime) and ends at Turn Back The Pendulum with a few movie missions and extra missions (extra like the one you do to get Uryu's dad), but if your missing one of those extra missions or movie missions or even if are missing an entire arc (there are a total of 61 missions, just so you know if you are missing any) then (and here is where it gets frustrating) try getting A ranks of all the missions before the missing ones (lets say you finished the Hueco Mundo arc missions and don't have the Turn Back the Pendulum missions or that you have as an example mission 10 and mission 12 but not mission 11, then try getting an A rank on the mission before 11) which gets frustrating because even when you think your at the final arc so you can just try to beat it with whatever score and you will win, guess what? THE FINAL ARC HAS HIDDEN MISSIONS!, but believe me the game is really fun and if you wanted some sort of surprise character... well there is Halibel... if she counts...

1. Bleach: Versus Crusade

Ok basically Heat the Soul 6 was Quantity with a twist of quality but this game is just quality piled on top of quality with a nice gold trimmed layer of even more quality. Ok, so the roster isn't what it could have been and maybe you could beat story mode in less than an hour, but the real fun is playing multiplayer, whether it be with friends or online (yes this game has effin wi-fi) it is AWESOME (psst, use Shusuke Amagai and Uryu as your team and then use their "bankai" gauge to transform at the same time, you WILL win), so like I said it doesn't have the biggest roster or the longest story, but it seems to take a long time to get bored of. One cool thing about the game is that the camera angle changes and makes it look a lot more, "dynamic" when you land a combo, and you do special moves so often that a simple combo feels like you just pulled of a special. And yes you heard me before, I said Shusuke Amagai, that filler captain, but he does make a good addition to the game believe me. Oh did I mention it's made by the awesome anime game kings known as Treasure (they made the first 2 bleach DS games as well as Astro Boy Omega Factor) I would LOVE to see a Bleach Versus Crusade 2 some time in the future.

Ok that was my 5 favorite bleach games but, believe me, if this was a top 6 list Bleach: Dark Souls (AKA Bleach DS: 2nd in Japan) would be number 6.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Importer's Guide: How to play

Ok (ha! were u expecting "Ahh!" weren't you!) so this will be a guide on how to play game's of other regions separated in sections by console, so without further delay, let's get started!

Gameboy Advanced:
The GBA is REGION FREE! so go ahead and buy any region GBA game and it will work.

Nintendo DS:

Nintendo DSi:
REGION BLOCKED! Yes, it is true, the all new shiny DSi is region blocked so don't upgrade to it unless you are 100% possitive you won't buy any games of other region.

Sony PS1:
REGION BLOCKED! Ok old systems are ok to be region blocked because I mean come on, how much would it suck for Square Enix America if everyone bought the Japanese version of Final Fantasy 7.

Sony PS2:
REGION BLOCKED! Ahh the best game system I have ever played, but sadly it's region blocked, however if you have a model 70012 slimline you can buy a flip top and swap magic disks to play imports, I think you can do it with a original ps2 but I'm not sur... oh crap I said "Ahh" didn't I?

Sony PS3:
For the most part REGION FREE! WOOT! Yeah, well I have heard rumors of SOME games being REGION BLOCKED but for the most part the PS3 is REGION FREE, thanks Sony, you may have gotten alot of things wrong with the ps3, but this is one of the good things.

Sony PSP:

Nintendo Gamecube:
REGION BLOCKED! I want to see a pie chart of how much money Nintendo would REALLY lose compared to the made up number they THINK they will lose... Anyway a nice gamecube freeloader will fix the problem, but remember this important fact: GAMECUBE MEMORY CARDS ARE NOT REGION FREE LIKE PS2 MEMORY CARDS! IF YOU SAVE JAPANESE DATA ON A MEMORY CARD WITH DATA OF ANOTHER REGION ALL OF THE NON JAPANESE DATA WILL BE DELETED!!! THIS WORKS THE SAME WITH SAVING AMERICAN DATA ON YOUR MEMORY CARD WITH JAPANESE DATA!

Nintendo Wii:
REGION BLOCKED! Ok this is the one that pisses me off, installing the Homebrew channel has become so complicated because of Nintendo trying to stop it... just look for instructions on

Xbox 360:
IT ALL DEPENDS ON THE DISK! Which basically means game's like Ghostbusters work on all region consoles (I offer this region free disk to Europe as an apology for not only being delayed but also because No More Heroes was censored in their country).

Those are pretty much all of the systems I know how to play Imports on and from now on I will post mostly every other day (there might be special occasions that I will update daily) so please check every other day for new posts.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Top 5 Comic Relief Anime Characters

Ahhh... comic relief characters, most of them are just in the anime to make people laugh, that's not a bad thing but usually end up making themselves look awesome in the beginning but then just being kept for laughs. Here are my favorite.

5. Gin - Rosario + Vampire

Yeah, yeah, Rosario + Vampire is an ecchi and the second season of the anime sucked really bad but admit it, season one of the anime was not that bad and the manga was awesome. Think of Gin as Miroku from Inyasha but waaaay less serious and even more of a pervert, in other words, like a young werewolf Jiraiya. He is probably the strongest comic relief character on this list because comic relief characters usually aren't meant to be power full.

4. Kon - Bleach

Haha, you all saw this coming. Like I said before this is one of the characters that seemed all powerful and even took the main character a full episode to take down but then every time he was in Ichigo's body he seemed to be totally week and unable to protect himself from so much as a weak hollow. Weakness aside, he is pretty good comic relief character because he is always getting in crazy messes and always jumping at the nearest female character like he has the jumping ability of a frog. Sadly he doesn't always appear in the series, he is only there as long as the main characters are in the human world or in the occasional filler that cuts to the human world.

3. Colonel Hughes - Fullmetal Alchemist

Colonel Hughes is one of the few comic relief characters who actually *omg spoiler* dies. Since the beginning of the series Colonel Huges has always been there to break the seriousness that characters like Mustang create, like when Mustang is wondering whether or not Edward can actually become a state alchemist all Hughes can think about is how adorable his kid will be. That's the part that sucks, usually your just disappointed when a comic relief character *spoiler* dies, but with Hughes you feel really bad because he has a freakin kid. Anyway, he just brightens up the mood whenever he is shown.

2. Matsuda - Death Note

Matsuda, Matsuda, Matsuda, him, Ryuk and Misa's stupidity all make Death Note so funny. I mean in a show where a psychopathic killer murders thousands of criminals with a notebook it's kind of hard to be funny. However Matsuda pulls it off perfectly, better yet he is the best comic relief character of the whole series in my opinion (sorry Ryuk). If you read the manga (or maybe the last episode of the anime had it too) then he is totally badass because of what he did.

1. Sai - Naruto Shippuden

Ok, when a character comes into a teen manga (you know just because of blood and maybe a little bit of partial nudity at the beginning, you know for teenagers) and tells the main character he has no d!ck that is just awesomely hilarious. And with quotes like "that d!ckess weaking sasuke..." you just have to either hate him or love him. Sadly his awesome quotes were taken out of the american versions (the manga just makes him call naruto a girl which is better than what the 4kids equivalent would have been, and the anime... we still don't know yet) however it is all but understandable especially since over the years naruto has gained alot of child viewers so it's only natural that they take it out.

Remember to visit daily because I post almost everyday (as an example I skipped yesterday).

Monday, August 17, 2009

Gamer's and Anime Lover's Guide: Where to buy

Ahh (yes I am considering opening all of my posts with the sound of me drinking a sunkist), this is a guide on where to buy Anime DVDs (at lower prices) and Video Games (including japanese and PAL region games).

Anime DVDs Where to buy?

Ok if you really don't want to buy online then your best bet is either your local Fry's Electronics or Best Buy because those both sell Anime DVDs for less than other retail stores (Fry's has a better collection but odds are that you probably live closer to a Best Buy than a Fry's). However for buying online, oh man you are in for a treat, don't ask questions, if your reading this and you don't want to kill the anime industry by not buying the DVDs because you don't have enough money, check out ok so remember the stuff I said about best buy selling stuff for less than other retail stores, ok now imagine that but for a bit less then combine that with weekly sales (as I write this post there is currently a sale on all funimation products) and then if it's kind of old like, Fullmetal Alchemist, Big O, Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, Dragon Ball Z (the first few uncut box sets), Naruto (most of the uncut box sets), Desert Punk, and Gankutsuou (the older $150 box set is $30) then it is SUPER cheap.

US Region Video Games:

First thing is first check if your local game store has it, then if they don't try amazon, and if no luck there (like say if your looking for something rare like Canon Spike or Klonoa: Door to Phantomile) then try eBay and if STILL no luck there than (and I recommend this if your looking for classic games too) try a swap meet, you might find what your looking for for dirt cheap, and as a last resort (this is mainly for classic games) try your local Goodwill.

PAL Region Video Games:

Ok this is for people in the US and places besides Europe, if you live in Europe you can easily find these games on amazon (whereas the rest of us are not allowed to buy anything but freakin books on Amazon UK... I want Ape Escape Academy 2 soooo badly...). Anyway... if your looking for UK games and don't know where to find em, look on eBay, because on eBay (unlike Amazon) it's not the website's choice what people from other countries can buy, it's the seller's choice, so just look for the "ships to" section. Sorry that's all I know about finding PAL region games, if anyone knows where else I can find them please feel free to tell me.

Japanese Region Video Games:

Ok, let's see... wow this will be a long one... so, if you want to buy something new or not that old (let's say you have your eyes set on the new Shippuden game Accel 3 or Bleach DS: 4th) then I would probably go with You see Play-Asia is the standard for importing it's the site all the importers know about and you think their prices are steep but that's actually about as much as they cost in japan (well maybe not for freakin Gekitou Ninja Taisen 4, which they seem to have either kept it at the same price it was when it came out (sometime before 2006) or possibly even raised the price, oh well it's so good it's worth it. Play-Asia is usually for buying the game new, but if the game your looking for is maybe a bit older or waiting like a whole month just to get a game if you didn't pay for the good shipping *cough* play-asia *cough* or maybe that you don't care if it's used you just don't want to spend too much, then try Yeah I know they kinda ripped off play-asia's name... but believe me they are awesome and very good for used games, they're shipping is also very quick. Now if you can't find the game your looking for at either of those websites, try eBay, the bad side of eBay is... well the prices tend to be... kinda high most of the time, I found the Gantz game on there for about $90 plus $10 shipping... however I also found the Gantz game by another user for about $70 (that included shipping), so just look around and hope you find it.

Well that was my guide on where to buy different region video games and buying anime at lower prices, I think what I might do next involving import gaming... but that'll be next time, remember I post almost everyday (I might skip a day here and there) so please try to visit daily.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Top 5 Totally Insane Anime Characters

This is a list of Anime characters that are quite insane, now of course you know there has got to be at least ONE higurashi character in a list like this, well your right, but is a higurashi character number one?

*This list contains Spoilers*

5. Sekai - School Days

Ahhh School Days, episodes 1-11 were so boring I actually fell asleep watching them, but episode 13 was awesome if you like higurashi.

What she did that makes her crazy:

Sekai is only number 5 on the list because murdering your "boyfriend" in jealousy with a kitchen knife is nothing compared to the stuff these other people did.

4. Rena - Higurashi

Told you there was a higurashi character here, even though she actually isn't very insane in some arcs, and just mentioning Higurashi I want to say, I HAVE ONLY SEEN HALF OF THE SERIES SO DON'T SPOIL ANYTHING FOR ME IN THE COMMENT BOX.

What she did that makes her crazy:

Well for starters she stalks the main character with a freakin giant cleaver in the first arc of Higurashi and she put a NEEDLE in the main character's Ohagi... If that doesn't sound dangerous imagine if someone stuck a sewing needle in food that you probably don't even need to chew... you would just swallow a freaking needle whole IF YOUR LUCKY AND DON'T CHEW imagine how much that would hurt if you actually chewed a needle without knowing it.

3. Nishi - Gantz

Yeah, most people who watch Gantz probably saw this one coming after seeing the scene where he like ripped a cat apart (or possibly shot it with a freakin x rifle) because he went a few days without shooting something.

What he did that makes him crazy:

Well besides that cat thing, he was a long time gantz survivor and guess what he does when newcomers arrive... give up? He lies to them and says that they get money for killing the poor innocent little Green Onion Alien and then just turns invisible and watches them get killed by the bigger alien. He even goes far enough as blowing up a guys head because he wanted to show everyone what happens if they (direct quote + censorship) "mess with him" (replace mess with f... oh you know what...).

2. Mikami - Death Note

Ok if you have seen the last episode of Death Note or read the last volume then you should have defiantly seen this coming.

*Death Note Spoilers*

What he did that makes him crazy:

Ok, so when Mikami was a kid he would stop kids from being bullied by making the kids beat him up instead, obviously this wouldn't work anymore in middle school and high school so his mom told him that he should stop doing that in order to lead a normal life, wanna know what he does when she worries so much about him? He wishes her dead, and SURPRISE! She like crashes into all the bullies that beat him up in school and they all die... he sees this as a gift from God... seriously... he takes his own mother dieing as a gift... anyway, after that he begins killing criminals for Light and when Light "Loses" Mikami just completely goes insane! Like I mean crying, screaming, and then committing suicide insane.

1. Kotonoha - School Days

Yup, another School Days character, if you have seen the ending of School Days, you DEFIANTLY saw this one coming for sure.

*Spoilers for the School Days ending*

What makes her so insane?

Ok, it's gonna be hard to top Mikami, but basically in school days this chick is just like Higurashi brain washed without the main character and even goes as far as pretending that she is talking to him over the phone when she didn't even call him. When the main character gets his uhh... "girlfriend?" or whatever pregnant and after realizing cheating on every girl he ever meats and sleeping with at least 3 different people a day is a bad thing he goes back to her to find that she is just insane without him, he "snaps her out of it"... kinda... but when Sekai (number 5 on the list) kills the main character guess what she does? She freaking cuts (or maybe folds) the body to fit in a small handbag and then brings a meat cleaver (awww the writer of School Days is a fan of Higurashi... what a surprise) onto the roof and meets Sekai there where she grabs the knife out of Sekai's hand and *holy crap prepare yourself* brutally murders her and cuts open her stomach to see if she was really pregnant... If the blood wasn't censored in School Days it would make it alot creepier... oh did I mention that Kotonoha keeps the body and hugs the disembodied head pretending it's the main character... yeah...

I'm not gonna lie to you, this list was the result of watching too much higurashi, recently seeing the ending of School Days, and spending at least 3 or 4 hours on But that's not a bad thing... r...right? Remember I post almost everyday (I might skip a day here and there) so please visit daily.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Top 10 Video Game Bosses

This is my pick for the top 10 best video game bosses, now this is only my opinion so no flame wars in the comment section, and I will not include obvious ones like Bowser or Dr Wily, these are my top picks.

10. The King of Sorrow - Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil

Ok so either your thinking "what the hell is klonoa" or "wait didn't that wii game just come out, when was there a sequel?" I'm talking about the ps2 sequel to the original ps1 Klonoa game (that the wii remake is based on) and the King of Sorrow is the main bad guy of the game and to be honest the game kinda makes you feel bad for the guy, also if you actually get to him in the game it'll make you say "This guy is like if freakin Super Saiyan Goku and Sephiroth fused together" he is so awesome he like sends you to a sonic the hedgehog 2 special stage dimension for the first half of the boss fight.

9. Metaknight - Kirby... uhh... like every kirby game... there we go

Ahhhh Metaknight, I remember playing kirby nightmare in dreamland on the gameboy as a kid and thinking Metaknight was so awesome and he just seems like the villain you like even more then the main villain (screw Dedede when there is Metaknight) he even kinda makes you fight fair by picking up a sword every time you fight him instead of just owning him the mic ability that works so well on the mini-bosses. Sadly he was absent from my favorite Kirby game Kirby 64 =(.

8. Destroy Man aka "Mr. Cosplay" - No More Heroes

The words "DESTROY BEAM!!!" never made me laugh so hard since I played No More Heroes... honestly out of all of he bosses in No More Heroes he was defiantly on my list of favorite bosses. From the moment you first run into him either you really like him or you want to just kick his ass. There really isn't much to say about him but if you were to play No More Heroes you would defiantly think he should be on the list.

7. Bad Girl - No More Heroes

Yeah I know, "two bosses from the same game? WTF?" well the bosses are just that awesome in No More Heroes. I mean seriously, who didn't fall for that instant kill move that activates when you go near her when she suddenly drops to the floor crying? That not only pissed me off but scared the crap out of me too, it also seems like every time you get her health down a bit more she starts using 10 more new moves, like how the hell was I supposed to know she could LIGHT HER FREAKING BAT ON FIRE?

6. Albert Wesker - Resident Evil

I'm gonna admit it, I have not played Resident Evil 1-3 so this is based mostly on Resident Evil 5 because its been a while since I played Resident Evil 4. Albert Weskers voice is so ridiculous it should be on this list too, but that's not bad, its actually quite awesome, now if you don't know who Albert Wesker is then imagine Neo from the Matrix but as a bad guy and make him a total jerk, ahhh yes Wesker... awesome. From what I saw in Resident Evil 5 he is the "I'm so awesome that I use EVERYONE that I make friends with and there is nothing you can do about it". I mean *RE5 Spoiler* You have to throw two effing rockets at him in a pitch black stadium to WEAKEN him!

5. Pipotrons - Ape Escape

When I say "Pipotron" I vaguely referring to not only Pipotron red, yellow, and blue from Pumped and Primed I also mean Pipotron G, J, Meta and Kuratsuku from Million Monkeys and the anime series. If you even know what ape escape is you still probably have no idea what I am talking about... Well Million Monkeys wasn't really released in the US but it wasn't really Ape Escape 4 it was just... well... Ape Escape with hover skates, jet packs, and GUNS. Anyway... the pipotrons are basically robotic monkeys that in Ape Escape Pumped and Primed just seemed so awesome and the other four from Million Monkeys just seem... real. I know robot monkeys either don't sound that cool or just sound awesome, but believe me, the Pipotrons are awesome.

4. Baal -Disgaea

Whether it be that awesome armored Baal that you fight in Disgaea 1 to get the ending that matters after the ending that matters (the normal one) or if it's Prinny Baal that you worked so hard to fight in Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero?, Baal is awesome (despite the name...). Even the main character says "LEVEL 4000!?!?!" before you fight him, seriously he is LEVEL 4000! I can almost beat the game at level 70... but freakin 4000!?!?! Anyway he is like the lord of overlords or something awesome like that, so level 4000 is appropriate I guess, especially since you can go up to level 9999.

3. Nazo - Ape Escape: Million Monkeys

Ok, basically the main villain of Ape Escape, Specter just gives monkeys special helmets and makes them... like run around... but Nazo... oh man, he gives the monkeys guns and tanks and starts blowing stuff up in Tokyo. THERE WE GO!!! THAT'S HOW IT'S DONE!!! no offence to specter of course. Rumor has it he was also behind the Grid Core Virus that was in Pumped and Primed. I think he is also in the anime, but he kind of seemed... I don't know... out of place in Million Monkeys... like everyone was anime-ish and here comes a thin... more real guy in a suit, however it kind of seems appropriate, I mean at least he is one of the people in an anime or anime style game that takes place in tokyo that LOOKS JAPANESE.

2. Jedah - Darkstalkers

Not many people know what darkstalkers is but I love it, and it is defiantly my favorite Capcom fighting series (Street Fighter fans remember what I said about no flame wars) and Jedah is just awesome. His background story is long and has something to do with the demon world and just sounds confusing in words... that's why I wanted him to be in the anime series so badly. What makes him such an awesome boss? Well first of all you apparently fight him the womb where the fetus of god was conceived... that is even stranger than you think it is BELIEVE ME. The other thing that makes him so awesome is his move set, it's like if Lust from Fullmetal Alchemist had wings, a scythe, wasn't a girl, and twice the blood came out when he (or she if we are still referring to Lust) attacks with his... finger... claw... things...

1. Specter - Ape Escape

Yeah I know, your probably thinking "but... you just said Nazo was more hardcore..." or "ANOTHER APE ESCAPE VILLAIN???" Well, Ape Escape is a huge part of my childhood, and one thing I remember fondly was how evil specter was in Ape Escape 1, of course in 2 he was evil but... a little more ridiculous, and in Ape Escape 3... uhhh... his "Double Paradise" plan just makes him look like an idiot... even though he is a super intelligent monkey capable of raising an army of monkeys, building giant robots, and BEING ABLE TO USE TELEKINESIS!!! But all that aside he is and probably always will be my favor ate villain, especially because you kind of feel bad for him, I mean if he is dumb as a... monkey... then he will be ok with being a circus monkey, but if he has intelligence that surpasses people... he's gonna want to be treated better... and I mean he has been put back into that circus... what? 6 or 7 times... they know he's just coming back, and that's the thing about Specter, no matter how many times he comes back... it doesn't feel... stale... or already done, I don't know what it is about specter or just ape escape but every game doesn't feel like "oh specter escape AGAIN... whoopty freakin doo..." it feels more like "so what crazy scheme is he up to now?"

Well that was my top 10 list of video game bosses, like I said it's just my opinion, so no hate comments however suggestions on other bosses that could be added would be great. Remember I post almost everyday (I might skip a day here and there) so try to visit daily.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Fullmetal Alchemist Premium OVA Collection Review

Ahhh the smell of localization, it smells so sweet when america finally gets those OVAs we were forced to watch illegally on the internet subbed, now we get a batch of the Fullmetal Alchemist ones officially dubbed on dvd, all we need now is that awesome Bleach OVA that was like a movie on dvd...

Anyway down to the review, which I will split into 4 sections (each of which will represent a different OVA) then 2 more sections (the extras and then the summary and if it is worth the money)

1. Interactive Experience: Ok I do have to admit, this would be waaaay cooler as like an amusement park attraction or something like that, it just feels weird on dvd... But that doesn't make it bad, in fact it's actually kinda cool, what I'm wondering is what weird alternate universe does it take place, it's like... after the greed arc but still had greed in it... which sorta felt weird and cool the same time.

2. Live Action Featurette: The word Featurette sums it up quite nicely, because I think it was only like 2 minutes long, it was kinda cool though, and that Alphonse costume was AMAZING.
6/10 (it gets a 7 because it's just a Featurette so I didn't expect much)

3. Kids - Short: This was actually pretty cool, I mean, do you remember those little things before every Pokemon movie? Well this is kinda like that, only it feels a little shorter. Also I was quite confused, weren't they in like Germany in the movie... why are they living in Japan here?

4. Chibi Wrap Party: Saved the best for last! Oh man this was so awesome, ok so watch the kids short then the movie then this and it'll be a great experience, seriously this was so funny that it was what made me feel like my money wasn't wasted. But... after watching it... I want to know... PLEASE TELL ME ENVY IS A GIRL! You'll know why I said that if you watch it.

5. Extras: Ok, I can't really critisize an OVA collection DVD for not having that many special features, but I was surprised that they even had em, let's just give it an A for effort.
10/10 (I suppose...)

6. Summary: In Short this was totally worth the $15 I paid for it. It's a must have for any Fullmetal Alchemist fan, so go over to your local FYE, Bestbuy, or just but it on Rightstuf and check it out.
42/50 or 84/100
so it scores a B! almost a B+