Thursday, September 10, 2009

Importer's Guide: PAL game update

A few days ago I realized that I haven't played the wii for quite some time, so I sat down to play some One Piece Unlimited Adventure, ahhh good times, and somehow ended up looking for One Piece games on Gamefaqs, only to go to the One Piece Unlimited Cruise episode 1 page and find out that... EUROPE AND AUSTRALLIA BOTH GOT UNLIMITED CRUISE!. So after hours and hours of searching I have finally found a website from Europe (the UK to be exact) that sells video games and ships to the US, FINALLY!. The website is called and wow, not only are the games the same price (or even less) than what you would pay for them in the US, they also only charge $6 for shipping outside of Europe!

Sorry today's post was short but I am quite busy. And if this is your first time visiting, trust me my posts usually aren't that short. And remember I post every other day so keep checking for new posts.

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