Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days is Awesome!

Well I'm not feelin too good so I will have to make this short, don't think of me as lazy especially if this is your first time here because I usually meet my deadlines. Well, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days is Awesome just as the title says. If you see the opening cutscene you will think you are watching a Kingdom Hearts 2 cutscene, no effin joke, I'm dead serious, you will completely forget you are playing a DS game during that first cutscene. Oh and you can save from the pause menu =) yay! Also until this game I didn't notice what a bitch Larxene was... I mean... seriously, she was a bitch. Well the game starts out with Roxas being trained in missions by each member of Orginazation 13... and... well... crap... that's as far as I got... Uhhh it feels akword ending the post here but it's late, I'm sick, and I haven't been able to pop my ear since freakin Sunday so... I guess I might do a full review some other day but right now I just wanna get some sleep.

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