Friday, January 8, 2010

This Week in... wait what?

I SERIOUSLY need a break especially since there is no Weekly Jump this week, BUT to not disappoint I will do a summary of the newest Fullmetal Alchemist chapter, and if I sound stupid then sorry it's just because I stopped reading it a while ago and am not fully caught up...

Fullmetal Alchemist Chapter 102

- Of course with Fullmetal Alchemist the chapter artwork thing had ads for awesome Fullmetal Alchemist products that I really want but are only available in Japan =(.

- Ok so from what I can understand Pride and Wrath have Mustang captured and decide to take him to "father's room" but he has to go through... the gate! Dun dun dun!

- When Mustang arrives in the room Edward freaks out when he hears Mustang mention the gate and tries to find what it took when Mustang claims he can't see even though the room is well lit, obviously the gate took his eyesight.

- Father makes fun of the irony of what the gate took from all of the people in the room, Ed, Al, Mustang, and Izumi.

- Scar and Wrath fight...

- Interesting... Wrath claims he doesn't remember his real name, so I guess that means Bradely isn't his real name.

- The others find Father's room thanks to that giant hole in the ground Scar made.

- Apparently Al's soul was at the gate and could have gotten his body back but his body was in no condition to fight so he went back in his armor promising to come back for his body.

- The chapter ends as Father grins about "the fifth" since Al is awake now.

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