Saturday, January 30, 2010

This Week in Weekly Jump

Ahhh, what a great break, I seriously needed that break but now I'm back, with a new Weekly Jump summary.

Naruto Chapter 480

Current Battle: Sasuke Vs Danzo

- Alright so we left off on the "did Sasuke hit the real Danzo?" moment and let's see if he did...

- Wait... So Danzo has one eye left and it seems like he can do the technique again but something is wrong...

- For some reason Danzo can't use the Izanagi.

- Oh, they explain it, you see Sasuke used a Genjutsu to make it LOOK like Danzo had one eye left but he really didn't.

- Ok so Danzo is beat and... uhh... to heal himself Sasuke bites on Karin's arm... yeah...

- Danzo gets back up and this time using the Sharingan in his left eye to fight.

- Danzo takes Karin hostage...

- Holy crap, I seriously can't believe I feel sorry for her but Sasuke just attacks right through her to get to Danzo... Oh and that's were the chapter ends.

Bleach Chapter 390

Current Battle: Everyone Vs Aizen

- Ok we left off when Hitsugaya released his Bankai and talked about one of Aizen's speeches, the one about like hatred or something.

- Hitsugaya charges at Aizen as we FINALLY get to see where the hell Gin has been this whole time.

- Wow while Hitsugaya does his cool ice themed attack on Aizen Love and Sajin use their Shikai/Bankai to help him out and Aizen is obviously still doesn't even have a freakin scratch on him.

- Aizen breaks Sajin's Bankai's sword with ease...

- And cuts off Sajin's arm as well...

- After Sajin gets practically killed by Aizen, Love and Rose try to attack from behind using their Shikais

- The chapter ends as Gin talks about how amazing Aizen's powers are.

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