Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Gaming Otaku Recommends: Anime Edition

I pull these out of my hat when sort of in a hurry (expect these to usually be on Tuesdays since I write them on Mondays) or when I am seriously out of ideas, today is both. So I will just talk about a few anime I seriously recomend to those who haven't seen them yet.

D. Gray-man:
I feel like I have yet to express the awesomeness of this series on my blog since I do not know if I have really talked about it very much. Ok, so it's that genre that you just tell someone "Bleach" and they know exactly what you mean, but when they put interesting twists to the formula, it actually becomes alot better then fanboys on forums lead it to be. Anime that have known to do this include, Nora (well, right now it's only a manga but whatever), Buso Renkin (at least from what I have heard), and also the next anime on the list. This doesn't differ THAT much from Bleach since we have an orginazation of people with special weapons who defeat corrupted human souls manifested into demons, but it's still interesting and to me doesn't really feel like it was a concept "stolen" from Bleach, it just feels like the creator had his own vision and not the distorted vision of somebody else. I really like the villains in the series, and not only that, but each exorsist's unique powers are all a treat in my book. Anyway, this series is very entertaining and also comes with (in my opinion) some of the coolest commentaries I have seen in a while, however there are apperantly no commentaries in season 2... Oh, and the DVDs can be quite pricy, $45 for 13 episodes is pretty steep, so I wait til they go on sale, even if it's only by $10 I still spring for it, of course that is Rightstuf price, so add shipping cost as well, I am pretty sure the DVDs sell for alot more than that at your local Best Buy so Rightstuf is definatly your best bet.

Soul Eater:
Yeah, like I said this is the whole Bleach formula, but with creative twists, and in my opinion it steers further from the Bleach formula than D. Gray-man. Don't get me wrong, I love both series but Soul Eater just blew me away, I did get a recommendation from a friend to get it, but damn, I wasn't expecting it to be this good. Like I said, orginazation of people who hunt corrupted souls, but this time it's a school, and instead of each person having unique powers, there are those who can turn into unique weapons and then those who can use them. You have weapons from guns, to sythes, to even one character who can turn into several weapons. I also like the choices for the music in the series, as well as the voice actors, except for one character whose voice doesn't fit the character at all but you get used to it eventually (you know the one), and like I always say, the more you bitch about somthing, the more you notice it, that's why I got used to that one bad voice actor choice. If you know what character I am talking about then you probably agree that he should have been played by Maile Flanagan, the voice actress who played Naruto. Anyway, enough about voice acting, this anime is seriously awesome and you can get it at Rightstuf for the same price as the D. Gray-man DVDs, $45 for 13 episodes. Oh and sorry if this post seemed short but I am quite busy today.

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