Monday, March 1, 2010

News Update!

Ok, so news updates always revolve around NeoToonami and Dothackers and that is what today's update will be about... oh and sorry if it seems a bit short, I have to watch a movie and write an essay for school...

Ok, so there was a NeoToonami update but it was just talking about Robot Unicorn Attack, a new flash game on, and since EVERYONE is talking about I might as well mention it. Well, I actually haven't played it, believe it or not, but I did watch a friend play it and for most of the 10 or 15 minutes he was playing and I was watching, it was just pretty much uncrontrollable laughter because it was so awesome and at the same time... just... weird... and memeish. But obviously that was a good thing, the music was obviously stuck in my head for quite some time, but I got it out thanks to BrentalFloss and his "with lyrics" series. To see what the good old people at NeoToonami have to say about Robot Unicorn Attack click on: this link.

And now for the two dothackers updates, and yes, I said two, it's been a while since I did one of these so dothackers has actually had two updates. First off, is the update that drew my attention, the insanely popular Japanese gaming magazine, Weekly Famitsu, who are known for their incredibly strict reviews, with only about 13 perfect scores ever given out, has reviewed .hack//link. Needless to say, when only a handfull of perfect scores are handed out after all of these years, a 32/40 is pretty damn good, and dothackers says it "is about on par with all of the other .hack game ratings they've dished out in the past" so I am honestly happy with the score it got. And the second new update or post or whatever on dothackers is about a new .hack related event that just got announced... And to my surprise it is actually a "live music event of past and current composers consisting of the entire .hack series!" to quote dothackers direcly, and it seriously makes me wish I lived in Japan, there will be all kinds of star studded guests and not to mention several of the voice actors from .hack game and anime series, *sigh* just mentioning this makes me REALLY wish I lived in Japan... Anyway, for both of those full posts or articles or whatever just head over to

Well, like I said, sorry this post was so short, I had a great idea for a another list, but I forgot where I put my idea notepad... So hopefully I will find it or come up with a better list idea for my next post, but sorry, no promises. Oh and I just realized that my previous Weekly Jump post was my 100th post... sorry it couldn't be something special like I wanted it to be, but I'll make it up to you with either my 150th post or perhaps my 200th post... If I ever actually make it that far without giving up because I have to followers at all...

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