Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Megaman 10 First Impression (short review sorta...)

Yeah, this is gonna be a "First Impression" kinda thing but also kinda like a short review without playing the game that much, I did however try all of the robot's stages in the time I played. So, let me start with the negatives, or really the one negative everyone is mad about, the music... Alright I admit the boss music could have definatly been better, but the music for the levels were pretty good to me, and since I only tried each stage once or twice, the only boss I got to was Sheep Man, and I was expecting the music to have like a... I don't know... electic feel to it or something, but it just sorta sounded like generic boss music that could have been used for any other boss. Oh right, there was also that other main complaint most people had... easy mode, and I have actually not yet played on easy mode since I want to feel like I actually EARNED the credits if I were to beat the game, not have the credits served to me on a silver platter with dressing on the side and cheese sprinkled on it. Those two things aside, I really liked this game but I thought it wasn't as good as Megaman 9, but it was nowhere near as bad as Megaman 7. One thing that was a huge surprise for me was, well, from previous Megaman games experience I thought Commando Man's stage was going to be really annoying and super hard, and that Strike Man's stage was going to be a total cakewalk... but I was wrong... ohhhh, I was wrong... Strike Man's stage was effin hard, and Commando Man's stage was pretty easy, I don't count this as a bad thing, I actaully saw this as a funny thing, like Capcom made me think they were going to do the same formula and then they through a curve ball (no Strike Man pun intended...). Anyway, in conclusion it was totally worth my $10 so far, I thought it was a bit easier than Megaman 9... but I hear those Wily stages are way harder, so that sorta makes up for it.

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