Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pokemon: Soul Silver Version First Impressions

Ok, so recently (in the past few months or so) I picked up Pearl and got back into Pokemon games so naturally I had to get Soul Silver and so far I am loving it. I really like the Pokewalker, a little step counter that can level up your Pokemon and find items as well as other Pokemon. Oh, but I do have one complaint about the Pokewalker... and that is... well... my one complaint was that I leveled up my Cyndaquill to level 10 in my Pokewalker, meaning that it never learned ember, that's right, if your Pokemon levels up in the Pokewalker then it can't learn moves, I wonder what the hell made them thing that it was a good idea to do that... But, besides that, I really can't think of anything bad about this game. The new feature to have your Pokemon follow you was a really awesome idea, I just wish they didn't resize their sprites so much, like I imagine my Whalord is going to look like the size of a Bidoof, when obviously it should be size of a freakin WHALE! But, that's not really a negative in my opinion. Oh, and another awesome positive, the game has 16 Gyms instead of just 8, you see once you beat the elite 4, you get to go to a completely new region. And for those of you (all 2 of you...) who are wondering what I named my rival, I named him the same thing I named him when I replayed Blue version, Biatch. But, naming him Biatch was funnier in Blue version because it sounded like the professer was calling his grandson a Biatch. Anyway, I do not know what else to say, oh, one thing that really pissed me off was that it just expected me to be talking to everyone after beating the first gym leader because without the game telling saying where, it somehow just expects you to sort of find that NPC on the outskirts of town that gives you Rock Smash... You don't need it to get to the next town, but it just pissed me off when I asked my friends where to get it and they said "You didn't talk to the fat guy near the Sudowoodo?" and I just said... "I was supposed to talk to that guy?"so now I have to go back. But really besides those little tiny problems this game is just pure awesome.

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