Saturday, February 27, 2010

This Week in Weekly Jump

Wow, I am surprisingly always in a hurry when doing these weekly jump posts...

Naruto Chapter 484

Current Battle: Sasuke Vs Kakashi

- Sakura heals Karin...

- Sasuke calls Kakashi trash for having a Sharingan...

- Naruto gets flashbacks about Itachi telling him that he had to make a choice whether to kill Sasuke or not.

- Kakashi activates his Mongekyo at like the very beginning of the battle to warp away one of Sasuke's attacks.

- Sasuke powers up so much, you could practically call it super saiyan

- But then his Susano'o fades away...

- And either he goes blind or just goes back to normal vision...

- Sakura tries to sneak up on him and kill him... but of course she wimps out and can't do it (what a freakin surprise there...)

- And right before Sakura gets killed Naruto swoops out of nowhere and saves her, obviously the chapter ends there.

Bleach Chapter 393

Current Battle: Everyone Vs Aizen

- Aizen pretty much defeats everyone besides Ichigo and Yamamoto

- Obviously since I mentioned his name, Yamamoto appears to fight Aizen himself.

- Aizen basically says that if Yamamoto is killed then the Gotai 13 is no more... but obviously it wouldn't be so easy killing a guy stronger than all of the people he just barely beat put together...

- Yamamoto and Aizen have a talk that I still don't understand... I still don't get if Aizen really stabbed Yamamoto or... whatever... this hypnosis thing is freakin confusing...

- So Yamamoto activates his Bankai (or... wait I think it's his bankai... I'm not sure...) and says he basically has Aizen cornered...

- He tells Ichigo to stand back because he is not in the Gotai 13...

- Wonderweiss grabs Yamamoto's Zanpakutou (stop thinking dirty you perverts...) and the flames go away...

- Aizen explains that Wonderweiss is his only modified arrancar and his ressurection was made so that he could "extinguish" (actual word used) Yamamoto's abilities.

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