Monday, May 24, 2010

Super Mario Galaxy 2 First Impressions

Ok, I seriously have no idea how I pryed myself off of my bed from playing this game to go on my computer and type this post. But somehow I did and here I am, well Galaxy 2 came out today... or yesterday since these posts come out the day after I write em, well anyway it came out and to me at least it seems like everybody was to busy playing their PS3s or 360s and whatnot to even notice this badass game even exists. And even though my friends might be playing their Left for Dead, Modern Warfare, or in my brother's case Red Dead Redemption, I still show some love to the good ol' turtle killing, mushroom eating, goomba stomping red hatted plumber. So as you can obviously tell I love the game, and with new additions like Yoshi, a few new power ups, and that... drill... thing... how can you not love it? Anyway, I hadn't realised until I read it in a gaming magazine (either Game Informer or Nintendo Power or something like that) that you weren't able to ride on Yoshi for like any of the 3D platforming Mario games besides Sunshine, but as I previously mentioned that changes now that you can ride on Yoshi in Galaxy 2. Oh, and the Yoshi parts are just freakin awesome they are really fun. I almost forgot to mention how the game starts you out, which is pretty interesting, for like the first bit of gameplay you're on a 2D plane as you learn the basic controls, which is kinda cool. The core gameplay is the same as the first Galaxy game, so if you played the first one, then the constant reminder in like every other level of how to spin will only get in your way. I really don't know what else to say and to be honest I really just want to get back to playing it right now so, sorry if this post was kinda short, but the game is awesome and yeah I gotta get back to it.

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