Saturday, February 13, 2010

This Week in Weekly Jump

Ok, let's just get this over with, I have a crap load of Demos and DLC to play...

Naruto Chapter 482

Current Battle: None

- Ok so Naruto wakes after he like fainted from... ok I'm gonna tell you the truth, I have no clue why he fainted and what chapter he did, I guess I just forgot.

- Tobi takes Danzo's eye and Sasuke decides to rest.

- Sai tries to keep everyone from going after Sasuke but while he is distracted Sakura uses her paper bombs that put people to sleep... I wish they had a name for those...

- Ok, so Karin isn't completely dead yet but Tobi tells Sasuke if he no longer has use for her, then he should just kill her, and now we get Karin flashbacks, finally Masashi Kishimoto decides to give back story to the lesser important characters, now if we could find out how Rin died and some background on Ten-Ten then I'll be happier but hey, at least we get background on Karin.

- Ok so, first note for those knowledge hungry fanboys, Karin is from the grass village...

- Holy crap, it seems that during some time in the Chunin exams (probably when Naruto tried to open the scroll and Sasuke wasn't with them) Sasuke saved Karin from a bear, so now it makes sense why she is so infatuated with him...

- They aren't very clear if Sasuke kills Karin but it's one of those, you know he kills her but until we get complete closure (well actually even after we do) fanboys won't shut up about her possibly being alive moments.

- Before he died, Danzo crushed Shinsui's Sharingan eye, so Tobi can't use it.

- Naruto goes to find Kakashi instead of going back to Konoha like Kakashi and Yamato wanted him to.

- Ok so right before Sasuke kills Karin Sakura interrupts...

- Holy crap, Sakura decides to actually go with Sasuke and betray Konoha... oh and that's where the chapter ends.

Bleach Chapter 392

Current Battle: Everyone Vs Aizen

- Oh, cool, right before the chapter they have the results of a poll they had for the best fights in Bleach... And the Ichigo Vs Byakuya battle came in first, wow.

- Ok so we left off as Hitsugaya landed the "final blow" on Aizen with support from pretty much everyone.

- They start to celebrate but like I've been saying, DID EVERYONE JUST FORGET ABOUT GIN?!?

- Oh crap! Ok so... somehow... uhh... somehow instead of hitting Aizen it seems that Aizen was able to like replace his body with Hinamori's...

- I really didn't see that coming...

- Ok, so I guess that was the power of Aizen's shikai, it's basically like full hypnotism...

- The chapter ends as Hitsugaya charges at Aizen, and Aizen basically gets everyone in one attack.

- Oh yeah, sorry this was so short, and no Bleach next week =(.

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