Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Top 5 Video Games that Need to be Made

Ok, so I took a day off last week, I made up for that with a 27 minute long video, but I have notice that I haven't been doing many Top __ Lists, and last week's weekly jump was actually only Naruto so... I feel that it is time to do a list. Obviously since these games are not out yet, and may never be, there will be no pictures. Also, I could have sworn I did a list like this... Hmmm... I guess I didn't... Weird...

5. Namco Vs Capcom
Ok, yea sure we got Namco x Capcom, but that was a Japan only RPG game, seriously how much more can Capcom tease us, not only with the way they put Darkstalkers characters into almost all of their works, and don't ever make a stand alone Darkstalkers game but taking (in my opinion) the most demanded company for a Vs game and have them collaborate with you on, not a fighting game like everyone wants, but a freakin RPG game, and hey, why not also be an even bigger jerk and not release it in America! Sorry I flew off the handle there, but I mean come on, I have a rule about importing RPGs, it makes it alot less fun when you can't understand the language. Oh and speaking of teases I bet that since Namco but Klonoa in Namco x Capcom, being an RPG and all, if we get a fighting game we probably won't even get a hint of a series like Klonoa in it will we? I mean I'm not asking you to make him a playable character, I'm just asking for maybe a stage, or a support character or something like that having to do with Klonoa, but I bet they won't... As for the console I would want it to be on... hmmm... the Wii worked fine for Tatsunoko Vs Capcom... so I guess the Wii.

4. Jump Vs Capcom
Sorry if there are two "Vs" games in here... but I really want both of these to be games. However there would be one big problem with this game... If they thought a Tatsunoko game would be a licensing nightmare (and the messed up part is even after all of that work they couldn't get the licensing for a certain character) then they would have to idea the hell they would have to go through to bring a Jump game to America, in fact, in my opinion it would actually be impossible for them to do. I would definatly import it though, and it would be pretty badass too... it could have like characters from Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, D. Gray-Man, Toriko, Hunter X Hunter, Gin Tama, Reborn, Shaman King, and tons more, the possibilities are quite endless. Also, hopefully it will have more than one Darkstalker character. Oh right the system... Hmmm... How about... the Wii as well.

3. A third Jump Stars Game
Ok so much like Jump Super Stars and Jump Ultimate Stars this game would not come to America and it would have some name cooler than Super or Ultimate. Also, I feel like in Jump Ultimate Stars that even though we had all of those characters it just makes me wish I could be using more recent characters, like I'm playing as Sasuke and wonder what it would be like to play as Pein or Suigetsu, but those characters weren't around in the manga when Ultimate Stars came out, and not to mention the Jump Stars games are where alot of the spriting community get's there sprites for anime characters so if we could finally get a Pein sprite that isn't an Itachi edit, that would make me so happy. Also, the Wi-Fi really kept me playing after beating story and I don't think I have ever put so many hours into a DS game since I got Ultimate Stars but now I just wish I could get a new Jump game, and a nice little "rumor" (or whatever you want to call it) or joke people like to play on others in the gamefaqs forums, is that when you ask when the next Jump game comes out, it gets delayed by two months, but honestly I am just tired of waiting and I know I sound like a broken record, but I seriously want a new Jump game.

2. Klonoa 3
Ok, so when I say Klonoa 3, I mean it in two ways, I mean Klonoa 3, the sequal to Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil on the ps2, and I mean Klonoa 3, the sequal to Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament on the Gameboy Advanced. So let's start with the first one I mentioned, Klonoa 3, the sequal to Lunatea's Veil, which would proabably be on the Wii, although a nice HD PS3 or 360 version would look nice, however I don't think Klonoa Works (if it still exists somewhere in Namco) has the budget for an HD Klonoa game. I would like it on the Wii just fine though, since the Door to Phantomile Wii remake was awesome, but for the game to come out there would have to be a Lunatea's Veil remake on the Wii as well, and I am not sure if they made enough money on the Door to Phantomile remake to actually remake the second game, however if they did we could finally get the long awaited Klonoa 3 that I have wished would exist ever since my very first playthough of Lunatea's Veil. And about that other Klonoa 3, well I wasn't the biggest fan of Dream Champ Tourniment, and not just because those puzzles were so hard in the last level it just made me want to throw my Gameboy at the wall, but because... I don't know it just felt sort of... weird... compared to Empire of Dreams (it's predisessor). I hope that if a third handheald Klonoa game were to come out, then it would be more like Empire of Dreams, and my console of choice would obviously be the DS.

1. Viewtiful Joe 3
Ok, so if Okamiden wasn't in production right now I think a sequal to Okami would be on this list, and quite possibly number 1, but after replaying the original Viewtiful Joe, and not to mention Double Trouble (the Viewtiful Joe DS game), AND not to mention PLAYING as Viewtiful Joe in Tatsunoko Vs Capcom Ultimate All-Stars, I am just in that Viewtiful Joe mood. Seriously it is a shame, no a goddamn tragedy that Clover Studios was closed down, I mean what the hell was going through Capcom's mind when they did that, now we have someone else making Okamiden and Viewtiful Joe 3 as nothing but a pipe dream. Seriously, I just want to have a Viewtiful Joe 3, that can be freakin produced by Capcom, since they own the rights to Viewtiful Joe, but can it at least be developed by Platinum Games (a company with several key Clover Studios members in it, you know, the guys who made Mad World and Bayonetta). I always seem to be at a loss of words when it comes to whatever is number one on these Top __ Lists... or wait, I think I have more to say. I do not know how the second game ended so please don't tell me, but, if we got two spin-off games after Viewtiful Joe 2, can't we get a third game? Well, NOW I think I am at a loss of words, so I'll stop here.

1 comment:

  1. Klonoa 3 remake Wii (Ps3 and Xbox360) next-gen?
    the Namco games :D
