Monday, February 15, 2010

Swap Meet Finds!

Well, I am writitng (or typing or whatever) this on Valentines day and obviously I am the type of person who girls are repulsed by (just kidding... or now wait... I'm not...) so Valentines day is just like any other day for me except this year I have to do alot of cleaning on Valentines day so that means alot of work, meaning that I need to make today's post a little short, sorry, but I am also working on a special new project so... I'm kinda busy... so let me just make today's post sort of a story of what I found at the Swap Meet on Saturday.

Ok so very often I just pick a weekend that I have alot of money and go to the Swap Meet to see what cool gaming related stuff I can find, and wow... this week I got REALLY lucky. Ok so I got 4 items from the Swap Meet, two games and two controllers. I got the original Super Smash Bros for $25, which I hope was a good deal since that booth looked like one of the booths that was trying to scam me... Then at a cell phone booth (yes a booth that they were selling cell phones at) something caught my eye, Tetris on the original gameboy in a little case, I had some trouble asking for it since none of the people there spoke English, but after several minutes of pointing and saying "No that one in the back, Tetris" I finally got my hands on it for like 7 or 8 dollars. Oh and about the two controllers, one of them I actually bought in the same place as the original Super Smash Bros, it was an NES MAX controller, I don't know if the D-pad is broken or if that red thing in the middle is supposed to sort of slide around, but who cares now I have a controller with Turbo. And the second controller was what made the whole trip worth while, I stumbled upon a second stand devoted to just video games and saw... the Hori (SNES modeled) Gameboy Player Digital Controller for the Gamecube, one of the rarest controllers ever, I mean the cheapest one on Amazon right now is $99.99, seriously go check, I think it's still there, and so with my arms and legs shivering like crazy and my heart pounding from finally finding it, I ask how much, and they responded with "28 dollars", I practically crapped my pants, $28 for the black Japanese version of it, the R button is a little bit stuck but it's pretty much fixed if u press it once or twice, oh man was I glad I got that controller, I mean they even knew what they were doing they asked me if I was a real gamer and not just a collector and I of course responded with gamer and the guy laughed and said "yeah, only a real gamer could appretiate this controller", so when I got home and tested everything I decided to play Viewtiful Joe with the controller and it was amazing, if I have any viewers at all, I strictly urge you to try and find this controller because it is just awesome for gba and classic Gameboy games.

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