Sunday, February 7, 2010

News Update!

It's been a while since I did one of these... so NeoToonami doesn't have a new update but I do have a few new updates for ya. Well first of all, a new AVGN (Angry Video Game Nerd) episode is out and this time it is a review of Ninja Gaiden, as I am typing this I actually haven't seen it but to watch it just go to: this link here.

And the next little announcement is for the two new updates on, you see one of the updates is for their facebook account and the other new update is for the official box art of .hack//link, of course it's for the Japanese version, if you want to see what the box art will look like then just visit and it should be the second newest post.

And, finally the main reason I made this whole freakin post was because of some great news that was tweeted by the good old people at Anime News Network, so you see before I tell you what the news is I want to give some background sort of, you see a little while ago Adult Swim teased all of us anime fans by saying they "think" they "maybe" "might have" bought 3 new anime, and shortly after they made changes to their schedule, showing something marked "New Anime" for Saturday of February 13th (or was it 14th?), and now finally that "New Anime" has been revealed as one of my favorite anime of 2009 and as one of the anime I totally anticipated would be one of the three they "might have" bought, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood! Now my Saturdays won't just be re-runs, they will be filled with brand new Fullmetal Alchemist awesomeness! Also I really hope the other two anime are Inuyasha: The Final Act and D. Gray-man, or maybe Soul Eater... anyway when I do find out what those other anime are I will be sure to make a post about it, oh and you can find the full article about Adult Swim airing Brotherhood: here, on Anime News Network.

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