Thursday, February 25, 2010

Top 5 "Collection" Games That Need to be Made

Ok so like I said in my previous list, games don't exist so no pictures. Oh and by Collection games, I don't mean like the little case things that come with a series of games, like the Devil May Cry or Metal Gear Solid collections, I mean like the Sonic Mega Collection, or God of War Collection, or Megaman Collection games, that have several games on one disk.

5. Viewtiful Joe Collection
Yeah, I know, Viewtiful Joe is awesome and all, but it would just be 3 games (unless of course they could somehow put Double Trouble on a console...), and one of which would only be a spin-off party game. However, I do think it would be nice for Capcom to at least try to show a little love for Viewtiful Joe again, I mean is he just going to never star in a game of his own series again because Clover studios is gone? Is he just going to be a... *gulp* guest star in every Capcom game that needs to add some variety because they only feel like putting 1 Darkstalker character in it, well? Is he?!?! Sorry I flew off the handle there, anyway I think it would be nice for Capcom to at least show some love to the series they forgot because it didn't make them as much money as Megaman... but whatever it's a business, at least Capcom listens to their fans (sometimes) unlike SEGA, who just seem to fold their feedback letters into origami cranes and then burn them for warmth. Oh, and as for the system I would want this to be on, I would have to say, a Wii version that would come with the Gamecube version of Viewtiful Joe 1 & 2, as well as Red Hot Rumble, and then maybe a PS3 version that sort of polishes the graphics (not like AMAZINGLY polish them, just make them a bit shinier) of the ps2 versions of Viewtiful Joe 1 & 2 and the psp version of Red Hot Rumble.

4. Capcom Vs. Series Collection
I ALMOST but this as number 5, but then I realised how awesomely badass it would be to play all of the _____ Vs. Capcom games on one disk, I would have to DEFINITELY buy an arcade stick for a game like that. Now, I just thought of one fatal flaw, and that is, well, since it probably wouldn't be on the Wii, it probably wouldn't contain the entire Vs. Series because I don't think they would want to make a PS3/360 version of Tatsunoko Vs Capcom. Oh and even though I hate playing fighting games on the 360, but if there were a market for a Vs. Series collection among Xbox gamers, then I wouldn't mind having this one be a multi-platform game. I really am not sure what else to say about this... so let's move on to number 3!

3. Kingdom Hearts Collection
Ok, now this would just be awesome, obviously much like the God of War Collection this game would be on the PS3 since the games in it were on the PS2, and it would probably be able to have every Kingdom Hearts game besides 358/2 Days. That means Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2, as well as Birth By Sleep and obviously there would be no problem with RE: Chain of Memories, but it would be really cool to have the original GBA version of Chain of Memories (you know IF they could). Oh, and it would be freakin awesome if we could get both of the Kingdom Hearts Mobile Phone games, even though they probably sucked, I still think it would be cool to at least have them in there. However, the Japanese and American versions would have to differ slightly, the Japanese version would have the "Final Mix" version of each game and the American version probably couldn't, well I mean Kingdom Hearts (1) Final Mix is basically the American version with like... one more boss... or one more something... but actually, if they were willing to put subtitles on Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix +, and make the menus in English that would be pretty sweet, I mean it already has the English voice actors in it... or... wait, it does right? I can't believe I don't know that and I actually OWN the game...

2. Klonoa Collection
If your pissed off about a Kingdom Hearts collection being under a Klonoa collection on my list you clearly don't know me at all, it's like being mad at me for saying I like Darkstalkers more than I like Street Fighter or Guilty Gear, or when I say I would prefer to play Ape Escape over Okami, because Okami, Street Fighter, and Guilty Gear are AMAZING games, but games like Klonoa, Darkstalkers, and Ape Escape will always hold a special place in my heart. So obviously, a Klonoa collection is just one of those things I wish Namco would get off their asses and do... sadly I don't think Klonoa is very profitable to them so it is only but a dream. Ha! Wow, I actually didn't notice until at least a minute after I typed that, that Klonoa basically has to do with dreams and stuff... and I just realized right now that is wasn't actually very funny so I'm just gonna go on... Anyway, the games it would include would be Klonoa: Door to Phantomile, Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil, Klonoa 1 & 2 for the GBA, Klonoa: Moonlight Museum (the Wonderswan Game), and maybe Klonoa: Beach Volleyball, and yes that really does exist, but it's only available in Europe and Japan, however I hear it's not very good. As for the system... hmmm... Probably the Wii, yeah that would be good.

1. Persona Collection
Ok, sorry if I run out of words quickly in this one, because I always seem to not have anything to say for whatever number 1 is on all of my lists. Alright, so just try to picture this, Persona 1-4 (including any spin-offs or... uhhh whatever you call the things like FES) in one filled to the brim Blu-ray disk... or... oooh... maybe they would need two... nah 40 gigs (or 80 if it's dual layered) would be enough... right? Anyway, when I said Blu-ray, I was implying that this game should (obviously) be on the PS3 since all of the Persona games before it were on Sony consoles. That would be like a lifetime of gameplay, wait hold up let me check how many games there are in the series... 12 including spin-offs, and not including the regular edition of Persona 3, wow... could you simply imagine the hours people would spend on this ONE collection, I mean the price would have to be pretty steep, but I would be willing to pay quite the high price for 12 Persona games on my PS3. Like I said before I seem to be at a shortage of words... Well I'll end on this, as I was writing this list, I actually realised I left out several awesome series that should get collection games made for them, so I might do a second list, meaning don't think of this as really a "top" 5 list, since the next one will probably have an Ape Escape collection in it, and in my opinion that would be nowhere near number 6 on a top 10 list, it would probably be in the top 3, if not just simply number one, it would at least have to be in the top 3...


  1. Ape Escape & Okami and Klonoa? here....again

  2. @CarminaSuva, where is Okami on this list? And trust me, if you knew me you would have heard me talk ALOT more about things like Ape Escape, Klonoa, Darkstalkers, and the awesomeness of Steve Blum, if you find it repetitive then I will try to change it up a bit.
