Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days is Awesome!

Well I'm not feelin too good so I will have to make this short, don't think of me as lazy especially if this is your first time here because I usually meet my deadlines. Well, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days is Awesome just as the title says. If you see the opening cutscene you will think you are watching a Kingdom Hearts 2 cutscene, no effin joke, I'm dead serious, you will completely forget you are playing a DS game during that first cutscene. Oh and you can save from the pause menu =) yay! Also until this game I didn't notice what a bitch Larxene was... I mean... seriously, she was a bitch. Well the game starts out with Roxas being trained in missions by each member of Orginazation 13... and... well... crap... that's as far as I got... Uhhh it feels akword ending the post here but it's late, I'm sick, and I haven't been able to pop my ear since freakin Sunday so... I guess I might do a full review some other day but right now I just wanna get some sleep.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Ever Wanted to Play Your Japanese Psp Games Online?

Note how I said Japanese. Do not follow these instructions unless the game you want to play is in Japanese and it is on the list in this wikipedia page:
Well if it is on that list then make a Japanese PSN account, as instructed in this very helpful video. Keep in mind the application called Adhoc Party is what you will be downloading and it is free so no need for credit card info stuff.

Then go into the Japanese Playstation Store and download the thing with this icon:
Now you have to have your PS3 connected to the internet with a CABLE and not wirelessly to use this app. Now put in your PSP game and make sure the wireless switch thingy is on, then go to the searching for people part of the game (usually under multiplayer) and click on the 3rd option in the ad hoc party app (keep in mind that in Japanese the circle button is ok and the x button is back. Then it should take you to worlds, so just join a world that is not full and there you go. Oh yeah and if you get a 1005 error then pick the first menu option and keep clicking the right option for ok then pick the third menu.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Eureka Seven Movie Review

Well I will not be reading this weeks weekly jump for... reasons, reasons I will explain next week. So instead of that I decided to review the Eureka Seven Movie since I went to go see it on Thursday in theatres. So let's start up this review.

Ok I will admit my friend got into the theatre right about the time the movie started and he was thinking the exact same thing I was... "Did I miss something?" well no we didn't miss anything, it is simply a retelling of the story... kind of. Well think of it as an alternate universe, there. An alernate universe where Humanity's greatest enemy is called Nazo, Eureka and Renton grew up together, Nirvash is a pokem... I mean uhhh larva... or whatever they called him that can transform into a mech and their teacher is Dominic oh yeah and Holland can rip people's souls out,that is exactly as hardcore as you think it is if not more. Explaining the rest of the story would take waaaay to long and would spoil a lot for this great movie. So let me try to review this movie without giving you too many spoilers... Well, Eureka gets taken by the military and renton spends the next like 8 years trying to join the military to get her back... I think, and when he does the bitch is so wishy washy and she goes on about how worthless she is until Renton takes her back to only realize later that his crew (you knew them as Gekkostate in the anime) is now rebels of the military, after kicking some military ass he decides to join them instead of attempt to escape again. I am not going to say who but one or two of the crew members die after deserving it in such an awesome way that the crowd in the theatre actually clapped. Well since the Nazo are pretty much infesting the Earth they fire this weapon called the Hammer of God which destroys the Earth along with the Nazo while a select group of humans stay in a space station, I will not say the actual outcome of the blast because that would be major spoiler, anyway I will say this, there was a bit too much Eureka fanservice... like the scene at the end where she was naked and the scene where she was looking in the mirror but she wasn't exactly fully clothed didn't feel needed at all. The special featres at the end of the movie were great, especially the bloopers, if this comes out on dvd which I REALLY hope it does soon, I definatly recomend it.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Top 5 Anime Fighting Game Rosters

Ahhh anime fighting games, I love them, especially when they have enough characters to make the roster over the average fighting game. So this list will be games I have (well there is one of them that I am getting soon) with awesome rosters. Just a note, these totals count second forms of characters.

5. Naruto Clash of Ninja Revolution 2

Total: 34
Well the reason this game made it on the list is because it has a pretty big roster, I'm pretty sure Gekitou Ninja Taisen 4 had a little less so it would number 6 on the list. This game wasn't that good, it had a confusing character select screen and the character selection screen music was terrible, but it had alot of characters... oh and something I figured out... select Awakened Hinata and then look at the name above the life bar... if you have the game and hadn't noticed you will just think that Tomy is even lazier than ever.

4. One Piece Unlimited Cruise 2

Total: 48
Ok so I don't have this game yet but in October I will import the European version so it's not like I don't plan on getting it. The game has plenty of One Piece heroes and (even more) villains to choose from. If this game is anything like Unlimited Adventure then I know it is awesome and very hard. Hmmm what else is there to say? Well the characters range from the begining with characters like Buggy and Smoker to even Thriller Bark with Brook, Oz, and Gecko Moria. Uhhh... I guess that's it.

3. Naruto Accel 2

Total: 73
Oh man Accel 2 (aka Naruto Ultimate Ninja 6) I love this game and all of the other games in the series. I think it's awesome that in this game I can have future Sasuke vs Zabuza in a naruto game, I just hope that they keep all of the characters from Accel 2 in Accel 3 so I can fight Zabuza as Suigetsu. Anyway with all of the characters in this game you can only imagine that starting out with like 20 means you have to earn these characters and it is not easy. Well to unlock every character you have to beat all of story mode, then beat all of the clone ninjas, then do almost all of the side missions of every variety, then you unlock a side mission that you have to go back to Orochimaru's hideout, then come back, then do like a few more side missions to unlock a mission as Sasuke that you have to go through this 30 room dungeon/maze thing, you also have to technically grind to level up your shuriken throwing and Chidori to pass through some of the floors while not dieing then get to the end of the maze and fight the boss, now do like one or two more side missions and then do the maze AGAIN with Naruto but this time you have to level up your Rasengan instead of Chidori. Congrats now you can start to unlock the other characters, yes all of that stuff about side missions was just to be able to do the thing to get the rest of the characters. Now that you did all of that you can fight like 5 more clone battles, beat the clones of the characters you don't have (I think it's just pre time skip Sasuke) and once you beat all of the other clones you go to the Hokage building onto the roof and you can finally fight the 4th Hokage, then you have all of the characters. Yea wow.

2. Bleach Heat the Soul 6

Total: 74
Wow Heat the Soul 6 beat Accel 2 by 1 character, good thing Halibel was in the game. Ok let me say right now, it is H-A-R-D to unlock characters in this game, not like Accel 2 that it will take you forever, it's just that you have to get like A ranks on certain missions, luckily you don't actually have to get an S rank on any mission to unlock every character (staring at Zatch Bell Mamodo Fury while typing). When you beat every scenario it is totally worth it to just stare at that beautiful roster, especially since it has Halibel and Dark Rukia in it, OH YEAH MOVIE CHARACTERS FTW!!! Ahem... back on topic, this game is great and if you have previous Heat the Soul data on your memory card then you get a few extra characters.

1. Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3

Total: OVER 150!!!!!!! yeah I just did that...
Well what else is there to say, it's awesome... it may take forever to get each character but hey, it's totally worth it because vs mode is fun with 150 characters. I really don't know what to say except that this game is great especially for all of those DBZ fans out there.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New Video! Fullmetal Alchemist Dream Carnival Review

Haha, I post a video to advertise my blog and post on my blog to advertise my videos, I am a genius. Well this time it is a review of the awesome PS2 game Fullmetal Alchemist Dream Carnival.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Top 5 Anime Based Movies

To be fair I will only fill this list with one movie of each series and only movies I have seen so if your favorite anime movie is in here and it was amazing then I must have not seen it. Oh and I try not to give away the plot of these movies just in case the reader hasn't seen them yet.

5. Blood the Last Vampire
I liked both the recent live action movie (yes I went to go see it and it was much better than I thought it would be) and the original animated one. Both of them are movies that just expect you to know what's going on, well for some reason I felt like I knew more in the live action version but still, the anime that came AFTER is really good back story, no seriously, it is, and it's great. Well basically the movie is about Saya... who kills these things called... uhhh... darn I have no idea how to spell it... well here goes, Kyroptorins? Oh well, anyway she has to kill these things because they are basically demons and so she has to set everything right I guess. I don't want to give away too much so just watch the original anime one and then the live action one when it comes out on DVD, I don't think you will be disapointed.

4. Bleach Movie 1
Well it recently aired on Adult Swim and I am sure you self proclamed "true" Bleach fans have seen the fansub version a million times and have yet to buy it on dvd. But either way most Bleach fans have seen it and if you haven't, then please do because it is great! This is one of those movies that's not just "since it was a movie they will never mention it... what you think I need a reason for that? Fine it's filler... there are you happy?" It actually has a reason for the characters not mentioning the events of the movie which was both sad and brilliant. One strange thing about the movie is that Chad, Orihime, and Uryu don't even appear until like halfway through the movie, and they are just there... which was strange because if I remember correctly the other characters just act like they were there the whole time, which was very strange.

3. Naruto Movie 1
Ok yes I watched the fansub version when it was kinda new in Japan... I think I don't remember, but to make up for watching it illigally I bought the dvd, saw it in theatres, and watched it on CartoonNetwork like twice, and to be honast, it's still just as awesome as it was before, no wait seeing it in theatres was even more awesome. Why you ask? Because of the giant theatre jam packed with Naruto fans, some of which had to sit on the floor because of all of the seats taken, which wasn't a bad thing, it was a good thing, with the whole theatre laughing at whatever was funny and everyone crying at the sad parts it made the experience so much better than just watching the dvd at home. Well anyway about the actual movie, it feels less like a filler and more like an actual arc of Naruto, which is pretty damn good, and to note the second movie is good too, but I would stay away from the first shippuden movie if you can.

2. Death Note Trilogy
Well these are Live Action and even dubbed, yes Live Action Dubbed, don't worry that's not as bad as it sounds. These movies sum up pretty much half of the Death Note series in two movies, what is the third movie you ask? It's kind of like a... hmm like an L spin-off, and trust me even though it seems a little fillery it is actually really good. These movies have a great cast and they all play their parts so well, especially the actors for L and Light. Oh and did I mention the AMAZING CG used to make the Shinigami? Well it just looks awesome in the movies and just makes you feel like that is what Ryuk and Rem might have actually looked like in real life. Oh and in the English dub version they... well they make Ryuk say a few words you really can't say on TV and that really surprised the audience and made them burst out into laughter when I went to go see the first movie in theatres.

1. Afro Samurai Ressurection
Well after much thinking and constantly putting Death Note in first then this in second and then doing the opposite over and over again I decided that I liked Ressurection more. No offence Death Note movies, but Ressurection was just that good. Well to start of, this movie was a sequal to the anime series Afro Samurai... oh you people probably know that already, let me get down to the basics... The main character named Afro must collect a special headband to challenge a new villain who claims she can revive Afro's dead father and forse him to fight his own son. Afro steps up to the challenge and faces old enemies along the way, like his rival Kuma who for the most part of this movie is practiacly a mindless zombie. To add to the greatness the cast of the movie is great with Samuel L. Jackson playing Afro and his friend Ninja-Ninja and Lucy Liu playing the new villain, Sio. Overall this movie is amazing and I could not recomend this movie and the anime series that goes before it enough.

Friday, September 18, 2009

This Week in Weekly Jump

Well if this is your first time reading this, I will be basically summarizing all of the important parts of this week's Naruto and Bleach chapters straight from Japan.


Current Battle: Sasuke vs Raikage, Gaara, Kankuro, Temari, and Darui

- Right before the Raikage gets covered in Amaterasu Gaara steps in and saves the day.

- Gaara tries to convince Sasuke that he can stop his evil ways and that it's not too late.

- Sasuke refueses obviously and Kankuro pointed out what we were all thinking... THAT IT KINDA IS TOO LATE.

- This is actually quite interesting, Gaara actually cries, even though it's only one tear.

- Karin locates Danzo but Sasuke is a bit too busy when she does.

- Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, and Darui (one of the Raikage's assistents if you have already forgotten) all team up on Sasuke with one amazing combination of 4 attacks that I hope to see one day in one of the video games, but sadly it missed.

- Well it didn't really miss, Sasuke just blocked it when he goes mad with power using two Mongekyou Sharigan eyes with the badass technique, Susanoo.


Current Battle: Stark vs Shunsui

- Remember that sword that came out of nowhere last chapter? Yeah well, that was Shunsui, awesome right?

- Shunsui shows his shikai in this chapter and it is awesome.

- The was Shunsui describes it is basically that his Zanpakutou "Makes children's games real".

- By that he means, well... let me explain with an example, the first game was that whoever steps on a shadow loses, Stark stepped on a shadow so he got stabbed, the only bad things about this Zanpakutou ability is that the Zanpakutou has to "feel like" playing, the Zanpakutou makes the rules for the games itself, and that Shunsui has to play by the rules too, oh and did I mention that apperantly losing the other games means losing your life?

- Stark has a little monolog about how he wishes to be weaker and that anyone he made friends with in Hueco Mundo would die, and because he was so lonely he split his soul in two to have a friend, but he also said that finding someone as strong as him is just as good as being weak for him.

- The rules of the next game are very simple, you say a color and whoever has that color somewhere on their body gets hurt, the more of that color you have on you the more severe the injury is but if you both have that color you both get hit.

- When Stark quickly learns the rules all by himself he picks white because Shinigami robes are covered in white.

- The next color he picks is black because under shinigami robes is all black colored clothes underneath, and the chapter ends as we see Stark get cut as well.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Top 5 Co-Op games

Ahhh! this post was a little late (I still got it on the right day but I usually have blogger post these things at 5 AM).

5. Ape Escape Pumped and Primed (PS2)
Well to start off, not too many people liked this game, I don't know why since me and my friend thought it was amazing. It's not all of the platforming gold Sony has brought to us over the years in the Ape Escape series it's more of a... ehhhh... party game... kinda... you see basically the story is that Spike and the others join a tournament in a virtual world (which explains why Casi can compete) and so the tournament consists of little challenges like collecting the most coins before the time runs out, or a boat race, or even tank battles and obstacle courses. But the best part is being able to customize your characters with new costumes, summons, special gadgets. How do you unlock all of the costumes, summons, and special gadgets you ask? Well by getting certain scores or beating levels within a time limit, how can you unlock things for more than one character faster and funner? With a friend of course, because the co-op in this game is great and the bosses are awesome too, oh did I mention the AMAZING CELL SHADED GRAPHICS? Well if I didn't then this game has such good cell shaded graphics during the cutscenes you might think your playing a ps3 game for a second.

4. Splinter Cell (uhh whatever platform)
I'm gonna make this short and say most Splinter Cell games are great, I say MOST because I absolutely hated double agent, if you want a good Splinter Cell game just get Pandora Tomorrow or Chaos Theory. Oh and if you don't know how fun Co-op in these games can be just go watch Splinter Cell co-op theatre and you'll know.

3. Nazi Zombies
Well Call of Duty World at War had great multiplayer but to be honest the story mode just pissed me off to the point in which I just wanted to stop playing and just started watching TV again, but Nazi Zombies is in my opinion the highlight of the game because instead of killing each other your teaming up to kill zombies, and come on, who doesn't want to shoot a zombie with an alien blaster or a wonderweiff (did I spell that right?). The game is great because it feels more like a separate game instead of just a mini-game, and you realise your progress of how you get better each time (Now that I can open the Pack-A-Punch machine with my friend in Der Riess I bet we can kick a$$ in Shi No Numa). Overall the game is great and whoever you are playing with will have a blast, especially if they like old style survival horror/defend the castle kind of game.

2. Halo 3
Ok, ok, ok, I know if I put Halo 3 as number 2 on my list then people will get mad and I will probably get a whole bunch of hate mail so just hear me out, Halo 3 would be higher on a list of good MULTIPLAYER games, because honestly my number 1 pick is better for co-op(sorry Halo). However I must admit when I was one of the first kids in my school to get Halo 3 I remember having a blast playing co-op with my friend. Usually Halo just aggravates me because everyone seems to know every map by heart so when the game begins and I have an assault rifle everyone else has the spartan laser and the gravity hammer inside of a scorpion, but playing the game cooperatively was awesome because instead of trying to kill each other we were killing giant scarab tanks and sticking aliens with plasma grenades instead of sticking each other with plasma grenades.

1. Little Big Planet
Oh man I LOVE this game and could not recommend it more for ps3 owners especially because of the new game of the year edition. This game is great and defiantly lots of fun for pretty much anyone, because this isn't just some stupid kids game, it's really fun no matter how old you are. The best part about this game is that if you can play your ps3 games online then beating story mode doesn't come close to meaning you don't have new levels to try, once you and your friends beat story mode you can play levels that other people made online and even make your own levels to share them with other people. Basically when people ask what you can do in Little Big Planet just respond with "anything" because most likely it is true.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Naruto Shippuden Dub Airing on TV... On Disney?

Yes it is true, even though many of you already know, I found out today that Naruto Shippuden will air on TV but on the DisneyXD channel starting this October. As I heard before (on a NeoGameSpark video) apparently Digimon Data Squad aired on this channel as well, sadly it was edited, and from the negative reactions of the Data Squad dub I am guessing it was edited more than the Zatch Bell dub. If the "butchered" something as awesome as Digimon then just imagine what they will do to Naruto. But on the positive side, maybe they won't edit it TOO much and hopefully if it airs on TV it means that more people will watch, making Naruto more popular in the US again and then we will get more uncut Shippuden dvds. Of course this news just makes fansub watchers (you know not the good kind, the ones who watch fansubs and don't buy any of the dvds or products and probably just download the naruto games instead of buying them) totally pissed and gives more of them reason to hate the dub. Honestly I just hope that this raises Naruto's popularity again to a point where a channel like Adult Swim will try to get the rights to air the uncut version.

I will update with more news later but for now just check for new posts every other day.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

This Week in Weekly Jump

Well just like every week this will be a summary of this week's Naruto and Bleach chapters straight from Japan.


Current battle: Sasuke vs Raikage

- Sasuke gets owned by the Raikage.

- Turns out he was using... that thing that Itachi used with the weird rib cage thing as a shield... or something.

- Sasuke uses his awesome Mongekyo

- Tobi tells Naruto that him and Sasuke must fight and all that destiny stuff.

- Tobi explains that his reason for collecting the tailed beasts was to become "complete", he didn't explain what that means but it sounds awesome and I can't wait until he explains it.

- Tobi escaped using his time-space ninjutsu.

- Sasuke uses his Amaterasu technique to shield himself in black flames.

- However the Raikage is so hardcore that he just punched Sasuke anyway and lost his arm in the process.


Current battle: Love and Rose vs Stark

- As we saw in the last episode Stark (I'm not calling him Starrk) summoned some wolves.

- Rose uses his shikai, and guess what? It's a rose whip! G...get it? Rose? Oh well forget it.

- The wolves are made of flames so it's pretty hard to actually kill them (they should totally switch places with Hitsugaya at this point).

- Rose has a techinique that makes his whip EXPLODE and explains that his attacks are works of ART... hmmm? What Naruto character does that remind me of?

- Anyway back on topic... Turns out the wolves actually aren't made of fire, but ceros, so he just shot a whole bunch of cero blasts out of his guns and somehow shaped them into wolves, now that's pretty awesome, especially because that means he can make them explode.

- *sigh* ok so their not ceros... yeah sorry but I write these as I read the chapter, well apparently Stark can control pieces of his soul and basically that is what the wolves are and that is why they could cause so much damage to Love and Rose.

- The chapter ends as Stark gets stabbed out of nowhere.

Well that was this weeks summary of Naruto and Bleach, remember I post every other day so keep checking for new posts.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Importer's Guide: PAL game update

A few days ago I realized that I haven't played the wii for quite some time, so I sat down to play some One Piece Unlimited Adventure, ahhh good times, and somehow ended up looking for One Piece games on Gamefaqs, only to go to the One Piece Unlimited Cruise episode 1 page and find out that... EUROPE AND AUSTRALLIA BOTH GOT UNLIMITED CRUISE!. So after hours and hours of searching I have finally found a website from Europe (the UK to be exact) that sells video games and ships to the US, FINALLY!. The website is called and wow, not only are the games the same price (or even less) than what you would pay for them in the US, they also only charge $6 for shipping outside of Europe!

Sorry today's post was short but I am quite busy. And if this is your first time visiting, trust me my posts usually aren't that short. And remember I post every other day so keep checking for new posts.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Top 5 Worst Ideas for a Live Action Anime Movie

Live action anime movies can be ok (Blood the last vampire), they can be awesome (the Death Note movies), or they can suck (Dragon Ball Evolution), so here is my top 5 list of anime that would be terrible for a live action movie.

5. Code Geass
Well, Code Geass is an amazingly awesome Mecha... Comedy... Drama... uhhh... thing... that has a plot twist every episode just in case you have never heard of it... even though it aired on Adult Swim. Anyway, let's get down to reasons why it would be terrible for a live action movie. Well, the first reason is because, well if you have seen the Higurashi movie, for some reason little kids can't be in Japanese movies soo... Nunally will probably be 19 and V.V. (V2) will be as tall as Lelouch. Ok maybe that was an overexaggeration, but in the hands of people that aren't the wrighter of the series bad things can happen. Well another reason is, this anime is REALLY LONG but unlike Death Note, pretty much every single episode is important... well except for the one or two filler episodes, so summing up a what? 52 episode anime into one or hopefully more movies would destroy the plot.

4. Zatch Bell
Oh man if Zatch Bell is number 4 then you could only imagine number one. Well, what can I say, an anime about a kid who can shoot lighning out of his mouth using a book, who must burn the books of the other people who can use spells to become the king of Mamodo. Do you honastly think that the lighning effect would look cool in a live action Zatch Bell movie? Plus, how would they make a live action Kanchome? With CGI? Well if other Mamodo like Zatch or Tia (JP name Tio... just puttin this in so the fanboys don't get pissed) were actors then it would just look weird with CGI Kanchome... also, Zatch Bell is a 150 episode anime (if they include the final arc of the manga it could have been like 200 episodes), so making this anime into movies would mean to take all three seasons that each consist of 50 episodes, and make a movie out of each... well even one movie of each season sounds difficult, good thing it would be to complicated to make a live action movie... otherwise they might have...

3. Naruto
HA! What where you expecting this to be number 1? Well if you get info from trolls or idiots who don't check if their info is really correct or not then you think there actually is a live action naruto movie, don't worry though because that was only a stage play, but if you can find it online please at least check out how rediculous they look. Especially since Naruto is (and I think Sasuke might be) played by a girl, no offence in fact I think that as voice actors girls can be really good, I mean people like Maile Flanagan prove that, but a female actress playing the role of naruto... just looks weird... and in the trailer for this stage play there were special effects for Naruto's rasengan, and I'm not gonna lie to you, those were pretty awesome. Oh yeah and another reason Naruto would be bad for a live action movie is... well... just think about Sasuke's transformation into curse seal and then think of how weird it would look in live action, oh yeah and think of how weird the nine-tails would looks, then again Ryuk did look pretty awesome in those live action Death Note movies...

2. One Piece
Yeah... you pretty much saw this coming didn't you? Well if you didn't the reasons why it wouldn't transition well into live action are... Well to start off, One Piece has alot of strange villains with strange powers, remeber how I told you to imagine Sasuke's curse seal transformation in live action? Well, now I want you to imagine Buggy's regeneration thing... or what effect they would use to make him look like he has been diced to pieces. Oh yeah and when I said alot of strange villains, who pops into your head? Probably your favorite villain, but for me it's the character I would love to never see in live action... Bon Clay, seriously, I think I would puke if I had to see a guy wearing a swan outfit in live action. Sadly the Straw Hat crew wouldn't transition very well either, Chopper and Brook would probably have to be CGI... Oh yeah and One Piece is just way to long to make into movies, it would be like if they made another live action Dragon Ball Z movie but it actually followed the plot of the anime, accept I think One Piece is longer...

1. .Hack
Ok I know what your all going to say, "Why is number one an anime I have never heard of?" you want to know why? well...

Do you think any of those characters would look good in live action? Obviously no because it's not even supposed to be live action, .Hack is about some kids playing an online game so a CG movie makes perfect sense, but a live action movie, that just sounds stupid. I mean just look at them, just take another look, live action versions of that would look silly. Oh yeah and Trilogy (the CG movie) summed up the story of the three G.U. games, what would the people making the live action G.U. movie do to not seem like copycats? Uhhhh, well they could summarize Trilogy... which would really suck, but on the up side if a live action movie for any of the .hack series were to be released, we probably wouldn't get it, and if we did it wouldn't be dubbed like the live action Death Note movies, it would be subbed... I mean we only got the subbed version of Trilogy anyway.

Well that was my top 5 list for bad live action anime movies, remember I post every other day, so keep checking for posts.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

This Week in Weekly Jump

Hello and welcome to another "This Week in Weekly Jump", I will be telling you the only important details about the newest Naruto and Bleach chapters straight from Japan.

*This contains spoilers and so if you want all of the new stuff in Naruto and Bleach to be a surprise in the anime or the american manga then please do not read this*


- Jugo completely owns the Raikage in his full curse seal mode, however after one of those "super awesome shiny blast attacks" surprise! The Raikage is still alive.

-After Jugo's little moment in the sun the Raikage starts to get serious and just sort of pushes Jugo to the side.

- Tobi tells Naruto something about destiny and how him and Sasuke were destined to be rivals or something...

- And the chapter ends as Sasuke clashes with the Raikage, I'm gonna be honast and say that I am looking forward to this battle.


- Barragan is dead as we all saw in the previous chapter.

- Stark (or apparently Starrk now) doesn't really want revenge or anything.

- Stark gets owned by Love.

- Oh yeah and Love did his shikai, it was one of those huge metal club things with spikes on it.

- Lilynette gives Stark a little pep talk about how Aizen chose him to be the number 1 Espada and that he has to stand up and fight if he doesn't want his "friends" to die.

- Stark summons a whole bunch of wolves... or spirit wolf things...

Well that was this week's summary of Weekly Jump, remember I post every other day so keep checking for new posts.

Friday, September 4, 2009

5 ps3 games I really recommend

Since my brother is the one with the 360 then I have a ps3, so these are some games that I recommend if you just bought a ps3 or plan on getting one. This is not a top 5 list it's just 5 games I really recommend.

5. Soul Calibur 4

Ok if your not a fighting game fan then obviously you won't want this one but if you are into fighters then this is one for you. For starters you don't have to be a tournament winning champion to unlock every character like in Street Fighter 4, and there is an awesome character customization mode that is just so awesome, especially when I am playing as Ichigo or Sephiroth online. Oh and did I mention that the bonus characters in the game were characters created by 5 manga artists, one of which is the creator of Sgt. Frog. Oh and just in case you know nothing about this game... you can play as DARTH VADER and YODA.

4. Call of Duty World at War

Ok the story mode in this game is cool but really frustrating and so if your not a Call of Duty master then don't expect to beat it on anything besides easy. However for me the story isn't why I love the game so much, it's for the multiplayer, and mainly Nazi Zombies. Before I talk about Nazi Zombies I want to say that the multiplayer is really fun and the maps are really cool. Ok let's get down to Nazi Zombies, the first map by yourself is very possible to get far, I have no idea about the second, the third is possible to get to at least round 9 by yourself, and the newest map is pretty much impossible to get far at all by yourself, so if you get what I'm saying it's better to play with friends. Basically it's a "try to kill the zombies before they get in and if they do then you have to kill them before they kill you" type of survival horror game.

3. Resident Evil 5

Well I'm going to be short about this one and say if you liked Resident Evil 4 and have a friend to play with this is the game for you, however if you actually plan on playing the game by yourself then you should think twice because Sheva's AI is probably the dumbest AI I have ever seen. Oh and that stupid mirror puzzle will piss you off if your playing with a friend who hasn't done that puzzle before (you will end up dieing at least 10 times before you actually succeed).

2. Metal Gear Solid 4

For some reason in Metal Gear Solid 4 the long (and I mean HOUR long) cutscenes are actually more interesting than annoying, much like Kojima's other games (like Snatcher or Police Naughts) Metal Gear Solid 4 seems like it is a movie when you are watching the cutscenes and then it feels like a (no duh) game when your actually playing the game. I have to admit the first time I played the game I played it for the amazing story, but my second playthrough was mainly just to do things like snipe people in the first level or shoot down helicopters with the rail gun in the second level. Oh and did I mention METAL GEAR ONLINE, yes an online Metal Gear Solid game, and if you live anywhere besides Japan then Metal Gear Online actually comes with the game... but to be honest... well... it is pretty difficult to download and took me at least 3 hours to download and set up, and no that's not an overexaggeration, but it is actually pretty awesome and if you get the special map-pack things then you can play as characters like Solid Snake and Raiden.

1. Little Big Planet

Ok in Little Big Planet you can do anything and I mean ANYTHING! There is no other proper explanation for how awesome this game is besides, you can do anything, the story mode is really fun and gets funner the more people you have. The story mode is also how you get all of the cool materials and objects in the game. Making your own level in a game has never been so awesomely fun, seriously this game is so awesome. The only reason that this description is so short is because there really is no way of describing how awesome this game is. Oh and did I mention all of the DLC and cool costumes? Yeah costumes like Kratos from God of War and Meryl, Raiden, and even Solid Snake.

Well sorry if this was a little short but believe me if you have a PS3 I REALLY recommend these games. Oh and remember I post every other day so keep checking for new posts!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Top 5 Higurashi (When They Cry) Story Arcs

Ok this is going to be a list of the 5 best Higurashi arcs from the first anime series (no naku koro ni), you know the one that actually got a dub, well the new box set came out a few days ago and I'm in the Higurashi mood after finishing the series today. As most Higurashi fans know there are 6 arcs in the first Higurashi series so one arc will be left out. Oh and obviously this list contains MAJOR SPOILERS and if you haven't seen Higurashi yet then I advise that you don't read this list.

5. Cotton Drifting Arc
Well I have to say, I liked this arc just not really as much as the others, I know that it introduced Shion and all but there was just something about it that I didn't like. Maybe it's the fact that it's a question arc right after a question arc and so now you don't know which one really happened and if you'll get the answers to all the questions these arcs bring up, but despite me not liking it as much as the others, I have to admit that it had alot of comedic scenes and seeing Rena as one of the good guys as well as a damn good detective was just pretty awesome. I really don't have much to say about this arc, but despite it being number 5 on the list, I think it's still worth checking out.

4. Spirited Away by the Demon Arc
Ahhh yes the first arc, this one is really good because it starts out so nice and happy then just curves down and gets brutal and gory. It basically sets an example for the rest of the series by sort of showing you what life in Hinamizawa is like. It sort of still confuses me about how the doctor was somehow involved in all of that business. It's also probably the only arc to feature the photographer guy for more than 1 small scene. In short it was a really good way to kick off the series and just makes you want to keep watching to see if all of the questions you had from the ending of the arc get answered.

3. Curse Killing Arc
Wow, the Curse Killing Arc, there were so many scenes to remember here, like the part when Keiichi falls of that bridge or when he goes crazy and the doctor tries to put drugs in his coffee. Either way this arc is probably the one that Keiichi gets pushed to the limit of insanity all the way and then even further, that's the main reason I like this arc, because he went crazy in the previous arcs but in this one, oh wow. And the strange thing is that this isn't the only arc that Satoko's uncle dies, I suppose that the writer hates that bastard so much that he does the audience a favor and kills him off more than once. That aside the scene where Satoko had to count to 1,000 in the bath tub kind of confused and disturbed me. Anyway, this arc shows that when you murder people for someone else's sake they usually tend to shun you and you kind of get what you deserve, just like how I imagine that after the ending of School Days the police catch Kotonoha.

2. Eye Opening Arc
Remember how I said I didn't like the Cotton Drifting Arc, well I LOVE it's answer arc. This arc is sort of split into two, giving us backstory on Satoshi and telling us about the Cotton Drifting Arc from Shion's point of view. It also throws in a ton of twists and give us the huge fact that *omg major spoiler* apperantly the Sonozaki Family has nothing to do with Oyashiro-sama's curse. However it also has some of the most disturbingly gory parts of Higurashi, like the fingernail scene and the Satoko death scene, but also gives more information on Mion's (or Shion's as the arc tells us) actions and for some reason alot of tazering. It also makes me wonder about the ending of the Cotton Drifting arc becuase in the ending of this arc both Mion and Shion are dead.

1. Atonement Arc
Oh man I love this arc so much, from the water gun fight in the very begining to the epic showdown in the end this arc is just pure awesome. It gives more info on things like where Rika stands on the Oyashiro-sama thing to what Oyashiro-sama's curse really is, and even the REAL reason Keiichi moved to Hinamizawa, the only thing it doesn't answer is who the one commiting the murders of Oyashiro-sama's curse is. And in this arc it's Rena who goes more insane than anyone, trying to figure more about the curse and eventually taking hostages to try to get the police to investigate more. This arc is just insanely awesome and is definatly number 1 of all of the arcs in the first anime series.

Well that was my top 5 list of Higurashi arcs and if you have seen Higurashi before then you know that I left out the Wasting Time Arc, but believe me it was good, I was having trouble trying to think which arc I liked better between Wasting Time and Cotton Drifting and chose Cotton Drifting. Remember I post every other day so check in for more posts.