Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Katamari Forever Is Awesome!

Well since I am quite busy, I will make a short review of Katamari Forever. Ok to start off this is the longest Katamari game I have ever played, espcecially since it has missions from other Katamari games like the make the moon mission from Damacy. around level 20 something, I had to make the Sun and I thought I was finished but surprise there are actually 34 levels, yea thats awesome. And yes the mini-game during the credits was great, oh and you can unlock the mini-games from Beautiful Katamari and Me and My Katamari. Well the graphic filter thing is cool too, nice to see different kinds of art styles. You can also jump with the six axis controller but that is extremely unresponisve so I just use R2 to jump. By the way the graphics in this game are awesome. And last but not least the amount of cousins in this game is amazing, they must have every cousin from every Katamari game plus more. Well I might do a full review later but this is just because I have stuff to do and I don't like to go without posting. Remember I update every other day. Well back to, obviously Katamari Forever.

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