Friday, October 30, 2009

This Week in Weekly Jump

Sorry this is a little bit late (by a few hours), but I was feeling very sick last night, now that I have rested well and took a tylonol I feel much better so I can get on with today's post. Ok so this is a summary of this week's Naruto and Bleach chapters straight from Japan.

Naruto Chapter 469

Current Battle: Kirabi (that is what I am going to call him from now on) and that Samurai guy VS Kisame

- Well that Samurai guy sicks his giant dog... thing on Kisame and so Kisame draws out his sword and...

- We cut away to the Iron Country...

- Danzo, being the total jerk that he is sets a trap for Ao (the guy from the Mist Village who has a Byakugan) and the trap was basically a body swap jutsu with a dummy.

- The Kages all join in an allience (excluding Danzo of course) with the Raikage as their leader.

- Sakura gets all mushy lovey dovey and admits that she loves Naruto (geez it reminds me of the boring mushy scenes in School Days... which reminds me of the ending of School Days... Which reminds me of all of those torture scenes in Higurashi... I think I'm gonna go into a corner now...)

- Ok now back on track...

- She says now she doesn't really care about Sasuke and that Naruto doesn't need to keep his promise about saving him anymore (the one thing that made him train so hard...)

- Naruto takes it as some sort of sick joke...

- Ooooh, in the end Naruto totally burns her, she says it's not a joke and then Naruto looks at her and says "I hate people who lie to themselves" ha! Classic, anyway that's how the chapter ends.

Bleach Chapter 380

Current Battle: Byakuya and Kenpachi VS Yammy

- Well like I said before Byakuya and Kenpachi came to save the day.

- Kenpachi tells Ichigo to move out of the way... with his sword...

- Kenpachi gets punched by Yammy and it sends him flying but he gets back up saying he didn't feel a thing.

- Byakuya tells Ichigo to hurry back to the human world but he has no idea how to get back.

- Then Mayuri comes out of nowhere with a big cart and says that he was able to study the structure of a Gargunta (you know the portal hollows use to go from Hueco Mundo to the human world).

- Nemu prepares the Gargunta and Ichigo is going to be test subject #1 to enter it, now worries though as Captain Unohana volenteers to join him as well.

- The chapter ends as the Gargunta is finished and ready for transport.

Remember I post every other day, and don't forget to tell your friends about my blog.

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