Tuesday, October 6, 2009

This... uhh... Last? Week in Weekly Jump

Well since it is Tuesday you could say it is last week's weekly jump. Anyway, if this is your first time reading in these posts I usually break down and summarize this week's Naruto and Bleach chapters to just what you need to know.

Naruto Chapter 446

Current Fight: Sasuke Vs. Mizukage

- Ok well, it's alot clearer that the Mizukage can indeed spit like acid or something.

- The kid who is one of the seven swordsmen of the mist uses his sword on Sasuke and it is freakin awesome.

- Of course Sasuke blocks it with his Susanoo but he is starting to feel the effects of using it for too long.

- Zetsu is most likely dead, well that one half of him...

- The Mizukage can use Water, Fire, and Earth techniques and so she claims she has two Kekkei Genkai.

- She breathes acid mist at Sasuke and it begins to get into his skin and actually melts the Susanoo a bit.

- Zetsu isn't dead and uses some weird technique that covers everyone in like slime or something and it absorbs the chakra of whoever it touches.

- Zetsu is able to give Sasuke more chakra using that technique and so he busts out of the area the Mizukage cornered him in.

- The Tsuchikage uses some weird technique that is just like Hachiken's kido box thing but it has a circle in the middle like the Hogyoku.

- Karin says Sasuke's chakras are completely gone.

- The chapter ends as Tobi comes in holding Sasuke and is about to explain his "Moon's Eye plan".

Bleach Chapter 376

Current Fight:

- Well Aizen stabbed Halibel and complains that he went through the trouble of gathering Espada when he is stronger than all of them combined.

- Halibel desides to fight back and stab him through the stomache.

- That doesn't go so well for her because Aizen used the substitution juts... I mean the Aizen she stabbed was an illusion and the real one comes back to kill her.

- He challenges all of the Soul Reapers and "Wannabe Arrancars" (what he calls the Vaizords).

- Mashiro uses her Mashiro Kick on Wonderwiess's face when he tries to surprise her.

- She continuesly beats the crap out him until he finally lands a hit.

- Wonderwiess somehow has the ability to "erase" Mashiro's Cero.

- Mashiro runs out of time for her hollow mask even though she claimed she could stay hollowfied for 15 hours.

- Chapter ends as Kensei comes to save the day.

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