Sunday, October 18, 2009

This Week in Weekly Jump

Ok so this is a summary of this week's Naruto and Bleach chapters you know the drill... blah blah blah...

Naruto Chapter 468

Current Battle: none

- Tobi declades the next great ninja war.

- The 5 kages decide to all form and allience to stand a chance against the 7 biju that Tobi has.

- They realise that Tobi is most likely just using this war as a way to easily draw out Killer Bee (or Kirabi or Kirabee or even killerbee... I don't know) and Naruto.

- The Raikage like completely cooperates with the other kages and will help in any way he can.

- They explain pretty much how awesomely, amazingly strong Kisame is supposed to be and even comapare him to a "Biju with no tail".

- The iron village samurai don't want to participate in the allience.

- Kirabi (that's what I'll call him) and some samurai have a rap off.

- The chapter ends as Sakura, Sai, Kiba, and Lee get to where Naruto was in the land of Iron and Kisame finds Kirabi.

Bleach Chaper 378

Current Battle: Ichigo Vs Yami (Ressurection)

- Well as the chapter starts we see Chad's body on the ground and Rukia being held by Yami.

- He throws her to the sand and Ichigo comes to save the day.

- Uhhh he fights Yami...

- He tries to keep Yami away from Chad and Uryu who are being healed by Orihime.

- He goes hollow... and wow... was that really 18 pages? I'm serious... that's all that happened... wow...

Well uhh... remember I post every other day so keep checking for new posts.

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