Wednesday, December 23, 2009

NeoToonami Update and New .Hack Manga In America

Alright, so this is one of little update posts I do, like when I first found out about NeoToonami and when I got the .hack//Link Demo, so let's get down to it.

Ok, first things first, NeoToonami... Ok so the new NeoToonami update is that the forum member working on SARA 3 has posted a little preview video of what she might look like. Heres the video:

Well, so far all I can say is that with that awesome TOM 5 and this SARA 3, NeoToonami is gonna be awesome. Just in case you don't know what NeoToonami is then it's basically a revival of good old Toonami. Oh and the post also says that they are looking for a 3D artist to help them make the space ship TOM 5 and SARA 3 will be in, I know I get like 2 visitors every month but if one of you actually happens to be a 3D artist then please head over to and give them a hand, if you just want to support NeoToonami then head over the website as well and join the forums.

Ok of course the other bit of news, I recently read on dothackers that several .hack manga and a new novel series will be brought to America. The manga series include .hack//Alcor (out now), .hack//4koma (out March 30th), and the .hack//Link manga (out on June 29th) and the new novel series is .hack//cell. I don't know much about .hack//Alcor but it looks cool, I never thought .hack//4koma would ever come to America so I read most of it online, and just like Tatsunoko Vs Capcom I'm gonna buy it on the day it comes out because of that, and the .hack//link manga coming to America is awesome, I can't wait to read it, oh and about .hack//cell, I haven't read any of the .hack novels so I don't really know what to say about it, but I plan to start reading A.I. Buster soon, and I guess if I like that one then maybe I'll read .hack//cell.

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