Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My Top 5 Favorite Fighting Game Series

Well the title says it all, a list of my favorite Fighting Game Series (if you know me well then you should know what number 1 is).

5. Virtua Fighter
Ok, so this one is number 5 because I really almost wasn't going to put it on this list at all but I love Virtua Fighter 2 on my Genisis so I decided to put it on as number 5. Well if you say the characters are unoriginal, well the unoriginal people just copied Virtua Fighter because it was there first. Oh and the fact that you jump like your on the moon is just awesome for me, I mean I liked it in Halo... Anyway, I really don't have much else to say except, what console were Virtua Fighter 3 and 4? I have only seen 1, 2, and 5.

4. Tekken
I'm sorry this is number 4 on the list, I know a certain friend who would kill me for putting it as number 4 but at least hear me out, Tekken is pure awesomeness but I am not the biggest fan of Tekken, I do remember it being in arcades when I was younger but until my friend introduced it to me I didn't play it alot. Anyway Tekken is very unique and it is THE Arcade Fighter that even in Tekken 6 still has all of that Arcade feel. I liked the Campain mode of Tekken 6 at first but probably the day after I typed up my Tekken 6 first impression post I found it getting a little annoying and frustrating. Oh and about that unique comment, well I mean you can play as people from practically around the whole world and you can not only play as a Kangeroo but also a Panda, a PANDA, and yes the Panda is one of my favorite characters.

3. Street Fighter
Ok this one is obvious, I always knew about Street Fighter about as far back as I can remember because it's just so universally known. I might as well just say this right now that my favorite Street Fighter Character is Sakura and no not because of the reasons you people are thinking... and if you weren't thinking that, sorry I just get that alot... but the reason I like playing as Sakura is because I like playing as Ryu and Sakura is just basically a faster Ryu. One thing I don't like about Street Fighter is that they have to remake the same game over and over so if I bought the original than everyone laughs at me because they have the super hyper ultra alpha 4.5 beta anniversary edition... I mean I don't mind Super Street Fighter 4 but when we have like 10 versions of Street Fighter 4 with no Street Fighter 5 in sight I am gonna be pissed...

2. Mortal Kombat
I love Mortal Kombat, not just because of it's over the top gore, but also because I love almost all Mortal Kombat games New and Old (I said almost because of Shoalin Monks...) and somehow I still have not played Mortal Kombat Vs DC... I know I should have played it forever ago but it was that or Little Big Planet... and ever since I just haven't had the money to spare on it... oh and Armogedon has like one of the biggest rosters I have ever seen, with all sorts of merable characters. Oh and please do not mention the Mortal Kombat movies... I would rather not remember those... Also if you can actually pull off those fatalities then kudos to you because I certainly can't, I mean Mortal Kombat is like the king of complicated moves... and spelling everything with a K....

1. Darkstalkers
Yeah, if you know me then this one should have been really obvious, I mean Jedah, Felicia, and Morrigan are like my favorite fighting game characters of all time. Well where do I start? Ok, Darkstalkers is basically an underrated gem made by Capcom and almost forgotten, I mean come on, they are suck teases, they just forget about Darkstalkers and then just put Morrigan in Tatsunoko Vs Capcom with not future plans of releasing a new Darkstalkers game. I mean COME ON! But, I am sure that one day we will get our next-gen Darkstalkers game... someday... anyway, Darkstalkers is basically a fighter with the Capcom fighting engine and awesome original characters that are straight out of all kinds of folklore and mythology, of course the roster isn't as big as most fighting games but I still love it and if I were to get an arcade machine then it would be a Darkstalkers arcade machine because I just love it so much. I cannot explain properly how awesome Darkstalkers is until you play it yourself, but it is just great... and one can only dream for a new Darkstalkers game...

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