Sunday, December 27, 2009

This Week in Weekly Jump

Ok that break was needed and I love my presents, especially Accel 3, and that... Soul Carnival 2... uhhh... poster? I don't know but Bleach games come with little things alot and I am starting to like it... Anyway back to this post.

Naruto Chapter 477

Current Battle: Sasuke Vs Danzo

- Ok so we left off as Danzo used Kage Bunshin... no wait Karin actually says it was something else.

- Karin says that they are not in an illusion and even after Sasuke crushes Danzo twice she still isn't sure how he is just popping up again.

- So Sasuke uses Amaterasu but Danzo just blows it off (literally) with a wind technique.

- Sasuke summons a giant hawk... Tobi asks "when did you learn that?" and he obviously doesn't get an answer but for the sake of continuity I want to know.

- Danzo says what I have pretty much been thinking about Sasuke, he just throws his anger at anything, and that's kinda the reason Sasuke is one of my lesser favorite characters in Naruto.

- Sasuke charges at him for spouting the obvious truth and when Danzo tries to grab his neck, Sasuke somehow... rips off his arm and it disappears... yeah...

- The chapter ends as those weird crow things that Itachi used to use for Genjutsu fly around Danzo and Itachi appears right next to him.

Bleach Chapter 387

Current Battle: Shinji Vs Aizen

- The chapter starts as we see Tosen's hollow form in color... It's alot uglier in color...

- Then we get to see Shinji's awesome Bankai.

- Shinji's bankai somehow transports them to the "Inverted World", ahhh Shinji's Bankai makes total sense, since he is always writing backwards and standing upside down.

- Aizen realized a little secret about Shinji's Inverted World, he finds out that not only is up down, and left is right, but front is back... so he can just turn around to instantly get to Shinji.

- However Aizen didn't notice that the direction you are looking and the direction you attack are also inversed.

- Aizen get's used to it quickly and calls Shinji's Bankai "nothing but a child's game"

- We cut back to a dieing Tosen as his hollow powers are the only thing keeping him alive.

- Sajin says that he felt like him and Tosen would have to one day cross swords (anyone who is going to make a gay joke out of that just don't) just as Tosen said before to him.

- While Sajin and Hisagi have a nice tearful moment with Tosen, Aizen ruins it by just flat out killing Tosen.

- The chapter ends as Ichigo burst out of a crack in the sky ready to fight.

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