Saturday, February 27, 2010

This Week in Weekly Jump

Wow, I am surprisingly always in a hurry when doing these weekly jump posts...

Naruto Chapter 484

Current Battle: Sasuke Vs Kakashi

- Sakura heals Karin...

- Sasuke calls Kakashi trash for having a Sharingan...

- Naruto gets flashbacks about Itachi telling him that he had to make a choice whether to kill Sasuke or not.

- Kakashi activates his Mongekyo at like the very beginning of the battle to warp away one of Sasuke's attacks.

- Sasuke powers up so much, you could practically call it super saiyan

- But then his Susano'o fades away...

- And either he goes blind or just goes back to normal vision...

- Sakura tries to sneak up on him and kill him... but of course she wimps out and can't do it (what a freakin surprise there...)

- And right before Sakura gets killed Naruto swoops out of nowhere and saves her, obviously the chapter ends there.

Bleach Chapter 393

Current Battle: Everyone Vs Aizen

- Aizen pretty much defeats everyone besides Ichigo and Yamamoto

- Obviously since I mentioned his name, Yamamoto appears to fight Aizen himself.

- Aizen basically says that if Yamamoto is killed then the Gotai 13 is no more... but obviously it wouldn't be so easy killing a guy stronger than all of the people he just barely beat put together...

- Yamamoto and Aizen have a talk that I still don't understand... I still don't get if Aizen really stabbed Yamamoto or... whatever... this hypnosis thing is freakin confusing...

- So Yamamoto activates his Bankai (or... wait I think it's his bankai... I'm not sure...) and says he basically has Aizen cornered...

- He tells Ichigo to stand back because he is not in the Gotai 13...

- Wonderweiss grabs Yamamoto's Zanpakutou (stop thinking dirty you perverts...) and the flames go away...

- Aizen explains that Wonderweiss is his only modified arrancar and his ressurection was made so that he could "extinguish" (actual word used) Yamamoto's abilities.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Top 5 "Collection" Games That Need to be Made

Ok so like I said in my previous list, games don't exist so no pictures. Oh and by Collection games, I don't mean like the little case things that come with a series of games, like the Devil May Cry or Metal Gear Solid collections, I mean like the Sonic Mega Collection, or God of War Collection, or Megaman Collection games, that have several games on one disk.

5. Viewtiful Joe Collection
Yeah, I know, Viewtiful Joe is awesome and all, but it would just be 3 games (unless of course they could somehow put Double Trouble on a console...), and one of which would only be a spin-off party game. However, I do think it would be nice for Capcom to at least try to show a little love for Viewtiful Joe again, I mean is he just going to never star in a game of his own series again because Clover studios is gone? Is he just going to be a... *gulp* guest star in every Capcom game that needs to add some variety because they only feel like putting 1 Darkstalker character in it, well? Is he?!?! Sorry I flew off the handle there, anyway I think it would be nice for Capcom to at least show some love to the series they forgot because it didn't make them as much money as Megaman... but whatever it's a business, at least Capcom listens to their fans (sometimes) unlike SEGA, who just seem to fold their feedback letters into origami cranes and then burn them for warmth. Oh, and as for the system I would want this to be on, I would have to say, a Wii version that would come with the Gamecube version of Viewtiful Joe 1 & 2, as well as Red Hot Rumble, and then maybe a PS3 version that sort of polishes the graphics (not like AMAZINGLY polish them, just make them a bit shinier) of the ps2 versions of Viewtiful Joe 1 & 2 and the psp version of Red Hot Rumble.

4. Capcom Vs. Series Collection
I ALMOST but this as number 5, but then I realised how awesomely badass it would be to play all of the _____ Vs. Capcom games on one disk, I would have to DEFINITELY buy an arcade stick for a game like that. Now, I just thought of one fatal flaw, and that is, well, since it probably wouldn't be on the Wii, it probably wouldn't contain the entire Vs. Series because I don't think they would want to make a PS3/360 version of Tatsunoko Vs Capcom. Oh and even though I hate playing fighting games on the 360, but if there were a market for a Vs. Series collection among Xbox gamers, then I wouldn't mind having this one be a multi-platform game. I really am not sure what else to say about this... so let's move on to number 3!

3. Kingdom Hearts Collection
Ok, now this would just be awesome, obviously much like the God of War Collection this game would be on the PS3 since the games in it were on the PS2, and it would probably be able to have every Kingdom Hearts game besides 358/2 Days. That means Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2, as well as Birth By Sleep and obviously there would be no problem with RE: Chain of Memories, but it would be really cool to have the original GBA version of Chain of Memories (you know IF they could). Oh, and it would be freakin awesome if we could get both of the Kingdom Hearts Mobile Phone games, even though they probably sucked, I still think it would be cool to at least have them in there. However, the Japanese and American versions would have to differ slightly, the Japanese version would have the "Final Mix" version of each game and the American version probably couldn't, well I mean Kingdom Hearts (1) Final Mix is basically the American version with like... one more boss... or one more something... but actually, if they were willing to put subtitles on Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix +, and make the menus in English that would be pretty sweet, I mean it already has the English voice actors in it... or... wait, it does right? I can't believe I don't know that and I actually OWN the game...

2. Klonoa Collection
If your pissed off about a Kingdom Hearts collection being under a Klonoa collection on my list you clearly don't know me at all, it's like being mad at me for saying I like Darkstalkers more than I like Street Fighter or Guilty Gear, or when I say I would prefer to play Ape Escape over Okami, because Okami, Street Fighter, and Guilty Gear are AMAZING games, but games like Klonoa, Darkstalkers, and Ape Escape will always hold a special place in my heart. So obviously, a Klonoa collection is just one of those things I wish Namco would get off their asses and do... sadly I don't think Klonoa is very profitable to them so it is only but a dream. Ha! Wow, I actually didn't notice until at least a minute after I typed that, that Klonoa basically has to do with dreams and stuff... and I just realized right now that is wasn't actually very funny so I'm just gonna go on... Anyway, the games it would include would be Klonoa: Door to Phantomile, Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil, Klonoa 1 & 2 for the GBA, Klonoa: Moonlight Museum (the Wonderswan Game), and maybe Klonoa: Beach Volleyball, and yes that really does exist, but it's only available in Europe and Japan, however I hear it's not very good. As for the system... hmmm... Probably the Wii, yeah that would be good.

1. Persona Collection
Ok, sorry if I run out of words quickly in this one, because I always seem to not have anything to say for whatever number 1 is on all of my lists. Alright, so just try to picture this, Persona 1-4 (including any spin-offs or... uhhh whatever you call the things like FES) in one filled to the brim Blu-ray disk... or... oooh... maybe they would need two... nah 40 gigs (or 80 if it's dual layered) would be enough... right? Anyway, when I said Blu-ray, I was implying that this game should (obviously) be on the PS3 since all of the Persona games before it were on Sony consoles. That would be like a lifetime of gameplay, wait hold up let me check how many games there are in the series... 12 including spin-offs, and not including the regular edition of Persona 3, wow... could you simply imagine the hours people would spend on this ONE collection, I mean the price would have to be pretty steep, but I would be willing to pay quite the high price for 12 Persona games on my PS3. Like I said before I seem to be at a shortage of words... Well I'll end on this, as I was writing this list, I actually realised I left out several awesome series that should get collection games made for them, so I might do a second list, meaning don't think of this as really a "top" 5 list, since the next one will probably have an Ape Escape collection in it, and in my opinion that would be nowhere near number 6 on a top 10 list, it would probably be in the top 3, if not just simply number one, it would at least have to be in the top 3...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Top 5 Video Games that Need to be Made

Ok, so I took a day off last week, I made up for that with a 27 minute long video, but I have notice that I haven't been doing many Top __ Lists, and last week's weekly jump was actually only Naruto so... I feel that it is time to do a list. Obviously since these games are not out yet, and may never be, there will be no pictures. Also, I could have sworn I did a list like this... Hmmm... I guess I didn't... Weird...

5. Namco Vs Capcom
Ok, yea sure we got Namco x Capcom, but that was a Japan only RPG game, seriously how much more can Capcom tease us, not only with the way they put Darkstalkers characters into almost all of their works, and don't ever make a stand alone Darkstalkers game but taking (in my opinion) the most demanded company for a Vs game and have them collaborate with you on, not a fighting game like everyone wants, but a freakin RPG game, and hey, why not also be an even bigger jerk and not release it in America! Sorry I flew off the handle there, but I mean come on, I have a rule about importing RPGs, it makes it alot less fun when you can't understand the language. Oh and speaking of teases I bet that since Namco but Klonoa in Namco x Capcom, being an RPG and all, if we get a fighting game we probably won't even get a hint of a series like Klonoa in it will we? I mean I'm not asking you to make him a playable character, I'm just asking for maybe a stage, or a support character or something like that having to do with Klonoa, but I bet they won't... As for the console I would want it to be on... hmmm... the Wii worked fine for Tatsunoko Vs Capcom... so I guess the Wii.

4. Jump Vs Capcom
Sorry if there are two "Vs" games in here... but I really want both of these to be games. However there would be one big problem with this game... If they thought a Tatsunoko game would be a licensing nightmare (and the messed up part is even after all of that work they couldn't get the licensing for a certain character) then they would have to idea the hell they would have to go through to bring a Jump game to America, in fact, in my opinion it would actually be impossible for them to do. I would definatly import it though, and it would be pretty badass too... it could have like characters from Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, D. Gray-Man, Toriko, Hunter X Hunter, Gin Tama, Reborn, Shaman King, and tons more, the possibilities are quite endless. Also, hopefully it will have more than one Darkstalker character. Oh right the system... Hmmm... How about... the Wii as well.

3. A third Jump Stars Game
Ok so much like Jump Super Stars and Jump Ultimate Stars this game would not come to America and it would have some name cooler than Super or Ultimate. Also, I feel like in Jump Ultimate Stars that even though we had all of those characters it just makes me wish I could be using more recent characters, like I'm playing as Sasuke and wonder what it would be like to play as Pein or Suigetsu, but those characters weren't around in the manga when Ultimate Stars came out, and not to mention the Jump Stars games are where alot of the spriting community get's there sprites for anime characters so if we could finally get a Pein sprite that isn't an Itachi edit, that would make me so happy. Also, the Wi-Fi really kept me playing after beating story and I don't think I have ever put so many hours into a DS game since I got Ultimate Stars but now I just wish I could get a new Jump game, and a nice little "rumor" (or whatever you want to call it) or joke people like to play on others in the gamefaqs forums, is that when you ask when the next Jump game comes out, it gets delayed by two months, but honestly I am just tired of waiting and I know I sound like a broken record, but I seriously want a new Jump game.

2. Klonoa 3
Ok, so when I say Klonoa 3, I mean it in two ways, I mean Klonoa 3, the sequal to Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil on the ps2, and I mean Klonoa 3, the sequal to Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament on the Gameboy Advanced. So let's start with the first one I mentioned, Klonoa 3, the sequal to Lunatea's Veil, which would proabably be on the Wii, although a nice HD PS3 or 360 version would look nice, however I don't think Klonoa Works (if it still exists somewhere in Namco) has the budget for an HD Klonoa game. I would like it on the Wii just fine though, since the Door to Phantomile Wii remake was awesome, but for the game to come out there would have to be a Lunatea's Veil remake on the Wii as well, and I am not sure if they made enough money on the Door to Phantomile remake to actually remake the second game, however if they did we could finally get the long awaited Klonoa 3 that I have wished would exist ever since my very first playthough of Lunatea's Veil. And about that other Klonoa 3, well I wasn't the biggest fan of Dream Champ Tourniment, and not just because those puzzles were so hard in the last level it just made me want to throw my Gameboy at the wall, but because... I don't know it just felt sort of... weird... compared to Empire of Dreams (it's predisessor). I hope that if a third handheald Klonoa game were to come out, then it would be more like Empire of Dreams, and my console of choice would obviously be the DS.

1. Viewtiful Joe 3
Ok, so if Okamiden wasn't in production right now I think a sequal to Okami would be on this list, and quite possibly number 1, but after replaying the original Viewtiful Joe, and not to mention Double Trouble (the Viewtiful Joe DS game), AND not to mention PLAYING as Viewtiful Joe in Tatsunoko Vs Capcom Ultimate All-Stars, I am just in that Viewtiful Joe mood. Seriously it is a shame, no a goddamn tragedy that Clover Studios was closed down, I mean what the hell was going through Capcom's mind when they did that, now we have someone else making Okamiden and Viewtiful Joe 3 as nothing but a pipe dream. Seriously, I just want to have a Viewtiful Joe 3, that can be freakin produced by Capcom, since they own the rights to Viewtiful Joe, but can it at least be developed by Platinum Games (a company with several key Clover Studios members in it, you know, the guys who made Mad World and Bayonetta). I always seem to be at a loss of words when it comes to whatever is number one on these Top __ Lists... or wait, I think I have more to say. I do not know how the second game ended so please don't tell me, but, if we got two spin-off games after Viewtiful Joe 2, can't we get a third game? Well, NOW I think I am at a loss of words, so I'll stop here.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

This Week in Weekly Jump

Summarry of Naruto and Bleach chapters... blah, blah, blah... need to hurry this up... Oh wait sorry, this week it's only Naruto... like I said... sorry...

Naruto Chapter 483

Current Fight: None

- Ok so we left off as Sakura desides to join Sasuke... and obviously that's not where the first page starts.

- So it's starts off with Kakashi asking Kiba where Sakura went, but he only gets a vague description since the sleeping potion Sakura used was very strong.

- Ok now we get back to where it left off... Ok she had her regrets about not following Sasuke before... She will do anything for him...

- Sasuke gives Sakura a test to see if she can really be trusted, and the test is to kill Karin.

- Sakura just trys to kill Sasuke right then and there, so obviously she was just setting up a trap when she said she wanted to join him, but then Sasuke tries to kill her...

- So Kakashi stops him and now we finally get the Kakashi Vs Sasuke fight I have always wanted to see! YEAH!

- Kakashi tries to give the same warning he gave Sasuke before the Search for Sasuke Arch in part 1, but that was BEFORE he crossed the line, now he's practically so past the line he can't see it anymore, so that really won't help...

- Whoa! Sasuke totally just snaps... like... wow... he just showed an emotion... that is so weird...

- The chapter ends as the battle begins and we see Naruto on his way.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Video Time!

Ok so to make up for the sickday I took, I will not only show you my newest video but I will show you my newest video... that's 27 minutes long...

So yeah, if you can't take 27 minutes of my craptastic quality then sorry, but if you can then the two reviews in one episode will be a nice treat.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I REALLY hate to say this but...

I am not going to post tomorrow because I am feeling pretty sick, I actually had to skip school and all of that... Hopefully I can do my next post, well I almost guarintee it.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Swap Meet Finds!

Well, I am writitng (or typing or whatever) this on Valentines day and obviously I am the type of person who girls are repulsed by (just kidding... or now wait... I'm not...) so Valentines day is just like any other day for me except this year I have to do alot of cleaning on Valentines day so that means alot of work, meaning that I need to make today's post a little short, sorry, but I am also working on a special new project so... I'm kinda busy... so let me just make today's post sort of a story of what I found at the Swap Meet on Saturday.

Ok so very often I just pick a weekend that I have alot of money and go to the Swap Meet to see what cool gaming related stuff I can find, and wow... this week I got REALLY lucky. Ok so I got 4 items from the Swap Meet, two games and two controllers. I got the original Super Smash Bros for $25, which I hope was a good deal since that booth looked like one of the booths that was trying to scam me... Then at a cell phone booth (yes a booth that they were selling cell phones at) something caught my eye, Tetris on the original gameboy in a little case, I had some trouble asking for it since none of the people there spoke English, but after several minutes of pointing and saying "No that one in the back, Tetris" I finally got my hands on it for like 7 or 8 dollars. Oh and about the two controllers, one of them I actually bought in the same place as the original Super Smash Bros, it was an NES MAX controller, I don't know if the D-pad is broken or if that red thing in the middle is supposed to sort of slide around, but who cares now I have a controller with Turbo. And the second controller was what made the whole trip worth while, I stumbled upon a second stand devoted to just video games and saw... the Hori (SNES modeled) Gameboy Player Digital Controller for the Gamecube, one of the rarest controllers ever, I mean the cheapest one on Amazon right now is $99.99, seriously go check, I think it's still there, and so with my arms and legs shivering like crazy and my heart pounding from finally finding it, I ask how much, and they responded with "28 dollars", I practically crapped my pants, $28 for the black Japanese version of it, the R button is a little bit stuck but it's pretty much fixed if u press it once or twice, oh man was I glad I got that controller, I mean they even knew what they were doing they asked me if I was a real gamer and not just a collector and I of course responded with gamer and the guy laughed and said "yeah, only a real gamer could appretiate this controller", so when I got home and tested everything I decided to play Viewtiful Joe with the controller and it was amazing, if I have any viewers at all, I strictly urge you to try and find this controller because it is just awesome for gba and classic Gameboy games.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

This Week in Weekly Jump

Ok, let's just get this over with, I have a crap load of Demos and DLC to play...

Naruto Chapter 482

Current Battle: None

- Ok so Naruto wakes after he like fainted from... ok I'm gonna tell you the truth, I have no clue why he fainted and what chapter he did, I guess I just forgot.

- Tobi takes Danzo's eye and Sasuke decides to rest.

- Sai tries to keep everyone from going after Sasuke but while he is distracted Sakura uses her paper bombs that put people to sleep... I wish they had a name for those...

- Ok, so Karin isn't completely dead yet but Tobi tells Sasuke if he no longer has use for her, then he should just kill her, and now we get Karin flashbacks, finally Masashi Kishimoto decides to give back story to the lesser important characters, now if we could find out how Rin died and some background on Ten-Ten then I'll be happier but hey, at least we get background on Karin.

- Ok so, first note for those knowledge hungry fanboys, Karin is from the grass village...

- Holy crap, it seems that during some time in the Chunin exams (probably when Naruto tried to open the scroll and Sasuke wasn't with them) Sasuke saved Karin from a bear, so now it makes sense why she is so infatuated with him...

- They aren't very clear if Sasuke kills Karin but it's one of those, you know he kills her but until we get complete closure (well actually even after we do) fanboys won't shut up about her possibly being alive moments.

- Before he died, Danzo crushed Shinsui's Sharingan eye, so Tobi can't use it.

- Naruto goes to find Kakashi instead of going back to Konoha like Kakashi and Yamato wanted him to.

- Ok so right before Sasuke kills Karin Sakura interrupts...

- Holy crap, Sakura decides to actually go with Sasuke and betray Konoha... oh and that's where the chapter ends.

Bleach Chapter 392

Current Battle: Everyone Vs Aizen

- Oh, cool, right before the chapter they have the results of a poll they had for the best fights in Bleach... And the Ichigo Vs Byakuya battle came in first, wow.

- Ok so we left off as Hitsugaya landed the "final blow" on Aizen with support from pretty much everyone.

- They start to celebrate but like I've been saying, DID EVERYONE JUST FORGET ABOUT GIN?!?

- Oh crap! Ok so... somehow... uhh... somehow instead of hitting Aizen it seems that Aizen was able to like replace his body with Hinamori's...

- I really didn't see that coming...

- Ok, so I guess that was the power of Aizen's shikai, it's basically like full hypnotism...

- The chapter ends as Hitsugaya charges at Aizen, and Aizen basically gets everyone in one attack.

- Oh yeah, sorry this was so short, and no Bleach next week =(.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Noby Noby Boy First Impression...

Ahhh, I love the number 99, and this is my 99th post so the next post will be super aweso... oh wait, nevermind, this is my 99th post including the 7 "sorry there will be not post tomorrow" posts so it doesn't actually count... but hey we're 7 away from 99 so yeah... man almost 100 posts and still only one viewer... jeez, I must suck...

Well enough about my miserableness let's talk about Noby Noby Boy, a game I am glad I bought for the amazing low low price of $5 over PSN. It's by the makers of Katamari so I knew it had to be good, and weird, but this game is like a whole other level of weird... Also, this game is quite relaxing, much like many people tell me Flower is like, and the music of Noby Noby Boy adds to the relaxation factor. Oh and as I mentioned, this game is just... weird, and I mean WEIRD, I tried explaining the game to my friend and he thought I was high, let me try to explain it, ok so you go around stretching and eating stuff so that you can feed hearts to this girl thing named Girl, who stretches to other planets, and theres a space squirrel, oh and a parret that tells you if your online or not. See, I sound like I'm on acid or something. Also, I'm not even sure if I'm playing the game right but somehow it's... just fun, like I don't even know how, but it's... just fun somehow. Sorry if today's post was sort of short and maybe even lazy, but I am TIRED and I just finished a 6 paragraph history class project.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

This(?) Week in Weekly Jump

yeah I know this is on a Tuesday but I like to make my news updates to be you know... accurate... so yeah let's get to this.

Naruto Chapter 481

Current Battle: Danzo Vs Sasuke

- So we left off when Danzo took Karin hostage and, holy crap... Sasuke just pretty much stabbed right through Karin to get to Danzo, I am happy but somehow at the same time I think I feel... Sorry? For Karin... no that's not it...

- We then get to see a flashback of when Danzo was young... and dinosaurs roamed the Earth... haha? Ok even I thought that was corny...

- Well anyway, Danzo was on some mission with his team mates and the second Hokage, as well as a much younger (soon to be in this flashback) third Hokage.

- So they get surrounded and need someone to be a decoy, Danzo REALLY wants to volunteer but finds that he just can't for some reason, so Hiruzen (third Hokage) volunteers to do it and Danzo gets all mad because he was "about to raise his hand"...

- So after Danzo's yelling about like his family or something the second Hokage just decides to be the decoy and make Hiruzen the third Hokage.

- Danzo tries one more trick, he uses some justsu that would apparently suck them into Danzo's corpse and die along with him.

- Then we cut to Sakura, Lee, Kiba, and Sai as they have found Sasuke, well they just sort of found out where he is.

- So then to try and fight him herself, Sakura tries to use one of those paper bomb things that puts people to sleep but Sai takes it out of her hand before she uses it.

- Then, I assume that the Sai who stopped Sakura is a clone, because there is another Sai with Kakashi.

- The Sai that Stopped Sakura also won't let anyone go off and fight Sasuke.

- The chapter ends as Sasuke says he is heading for Konoha.

Bleach Chapter 391

Current Battle: Everyone Vs Aizen

- Ok, so let me make this short and simple without making a list, pretty much all the Vaizords except Shinji completely get their asses kicked by Aizen... and that's like the first 7 pages so... this might be short, sorry.

- Ok, so Soifon tries to get a crack at fighting Aizen and she uses the kage bun... I mean the shadow clo... she makes a bunch of clones of herself... using chakr... I mean Kido...

- Aizen lifts his sword to attack against the clones with an overconfident look on his face when... BAM!!! Hitsugaya froze his sword and I'm pretty sure his hand along with it...

- So then Soifon uses some attack that is apparently SUPPOSED to kill Aizen but I guess he's too awesome to be killed in one hit...

- So while Aizen starts talking about how nobody can ever beat him and all that crap, Shinsui comes up from behind and impales him through the chest.

- The chapter ends as my favorite strategical move that proves Aizen will get his ass kicked if he ever acts overconfident, because he sets his sights on Hitsugaya, talks about his downfall, and just before he goes in to strike, Shinji uses his shikai and everything is backwards so Hitsugaya lands his attack instead.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

News Update!

It's been a while since I did one of these... so NeoToonami doesn't have a new update but I do have a few new updates for ya. Well first of all, a new AVGN (Angry Video Game Nerd) episode is out and this time it is a review of Ninja Gaiden, as I am typing this I actually haven't seen it but to watch it just go to: this link here.

And the next little announcement is for the two new updates on, you see one of the updates is for their facebook account and the other new update is for the official box art of .hack//link, of course it's for the Japanese version, if you want to see what the box art will look like then just visit and it should be the second newest post.

And, finally the main reason I made this whole freakin post was because of some great news that was tweeted by the good old people at Anime News Network, so you see before I tell you what the news is I want to give some background sort of, you see a little while ago Adult Swim teased all of us anime fans by saying they "think" they "maybe" "might have" bought 3 new anime, and shortly after they made changes to their schedule, showing something marked "New Anime" for Saturday of February 13th (or was it 14th?), and now finally that "New Anime" has been revealed as one of my favorite anime of 2009 and as one of the anime I totally anticipated would be one of the three they "might have" bought, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood! Now my Saturdays won't just be re-runs, they will be filled with brand new Fullmetal Alchemist awesomeness! Also I really hope the other two anime are Inuyasha: The Final Act and D. Gray-man, or maybe Soul Eater... anyway when I do find out what those other anime are I will be sure to make a post about it, oh and you can find the full article about Adult Swim airing Brotherhood: here, on Anime News Network.

Friday, February 5, 2010

MAG Short Review

Ok, so out of the three short reviews I'm doing this week I think this might be the shortest, I mean if you thought I had trouble thinking of stuff for fighting games, well I haven't even reviewed an FPS game before, but hell I'll give it a shot. Well, the first thing I noticed about MAG was that I died pretty quickly... and then after I died, I died again... and again... and again... but hey that's how all FPS games are when you start out anyway right? So trust me after leveling up a bit you won't be dieing every 2 seconds and who knows, you might just get a kill streak. Oh and speaking of kill streaks I would rather not compare this to any Call of Duty games, because I just consider them games that are in the same genre but you simply don't compare them, get both or only get one of them I would prefer it if people would just shut up and stop comparing the two because their both really good, so I'm not saying if I like Modern Warfare 2 more than MAG, and I mean I really couldn't tell you since I only played Modern Warfare 2 with a friend. Ok so now that I got that out... back to the review, so about 6 or 7 hours of gameplay I realised something... this game is online... and there has been no lag... like at all, seriously I actually forgot it was online, that's how well the game plays. Also, don't think you can just start playing with 256 people at once from the start, but it doesn't take that much leveling up at all to do so, and also don't think you can play deathmatch or team deathmatch with 256 people since there are special games made specifically for the certain number of players, if this still sounds confusing you'll understand completely when you play the game. However, the bright side is that you still get XP for killing people no matter what mode of gameplay your playing, you could be trying to steal enemy vehicles but instead your sniping from your favorite spot, and you'll still get XP. So, in short, this game is really good and in my opinion well worth the $60 I paid for it, and I thought about giving some sort of rating system... but for now I'll just go with a thumbs up or thumbs down, and this one definitely gets a thumbs up.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tatsunoko Vs Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars Short Review

Well, I got three awesome games around the same time, and so I decided to do a short review for all of them, and so here's Tatsunoko Vs Capcom. Well, what can I say, it's just like Cross Generation of Heroes (the original Japan only version of the game) but with more characters, and in the American version (due to licensing issues) Hakushon Daimaou was replaced by Yatterman-2, or at least I think she is only in the American version. Also those Tatsunoko Vs Capcom cards that you get when pre-ordered the game were freakin awesome. I am pretty bad at reviewing fighting games... I'm not sure what to really say... well, it has the good old polished Capcom engine we all know and love, and even though it only has three attack buttons it still has the "Vs" Series feel to it. I have not played much of Wi-fi but the one match I did play over Wi-Fi was extremely laggy, and I could hardly play, however that could have just been bad luck and if I try again I might even have 40 matches in a row with no lag at all, so really don't take my one bad Wi-Fi experience as proof that the game's Wi-Fi sucks, because for all I know, it could be amazing. Also for each character you beat arcade mode with, you get an icon to use in Wi-fi based on that character and their third and fourth color (third color for beating Golden Lightan on battle 4 and fourth color for beating Yami) becomes available in the shop, and since you have to beat arcade mode like 16 times to get everything (6 times with capcom characters and 6 times with Tatsunoko characters gets you 4 new characters, then beat arcade mode with those 4 characters and it unlocks the final character) it's like unlocking two birds with one stone (see what I did there?). Well the endings may not be fully animated like in Cross Generation of Heroes, but at least the good people at Udon are providing the awesome artwork for each of the endings, which I have to say are really awesome. Hmm... what else is there? I guess I'm done here since I don't have much more to say, so I'll end with this: this game is amazing and if you are a fan of the Vs Series or are just a fan of Capcom fighting games in general, this is definitely a game you DON'T want to pass up.

Monday, February 1, 2010

No More Heroes 2 Short Review

Ok so out of the three games I got that came out on the 26th, No More Heroes 2 was my favorite, I like Tatsunoko Vs Capcom and MAG (well I actually GOT MAG on the 29th...) but No More Heroes 2, much like it's predecessor, was a masterpiece of wonderfulness. First off let me say that the 8-bit mini-games were a great idea and are very addicting and since you don't have to pay for every ranked match, making money isn't as tedious as the first game, well tedious would be a strong word to use... Anyway the only two mini-games I don't like are the tile one, but to be fair I only dislike it because it's like a game for people with the IQ of Albert Einstein and the Scorpion one, you know the one that's not 8-bit, yeah I just didn't like that one... Also I think that pretty much every boss was imaginative and memorable (except for Million Gunman, I forget his name all the time and sometimes just forget that there were two bosses you fight as Shinobu) also, seeing who was going to be next was just as awesome as the original, oh and now they have this mode called "Death Match" that you unlock after beating the game and holy crap it's awesome, you basically replay all the bosses, but the only problem is, that you fight them on like bitter mode or something because I only got Million Gunman to half freakin health. Anyway, speaking of Bitter mode, it's in the game... and it's hard... and I mean freakin pull out your hair, yell at your TV, throw your Wii Remote, impossibly HARD, seriously I couldn't even beat Skelter Helter on Bitter and you can hardly even consider him a boss since he's so easy. Also, you can play this game with a classic controller and trust me it's way better that way, on my first playthrough I used the Wii Remote and Nunchuck so that it would feel like the original, but then on my second playthorugh I used the classic controller, and holy crap, it was awesome, seriously I urge you to the classic controller for this game, it also makes the 8-bit games feel more... what's the word... I guess "smooth" would be the word. Also, play as Shinobu feels a little bit awkward when jumping, really it's not the worst jumping mechanics I've ever seen and hardly noticed it in the second boss that Shinobu fights, and playing as Henry feels like playing as Travis, but with no charging and with a dash move instead of melee, and trust me that dash move will make you wish you had it for the whole game. In conclusion, this game is totally worth it and the story will really be the main selling point, and if you already have the first one, then what the hell are you waiting for, you should already have this game.