Monday, April 12, 2010

3 Games That Have Withstood the Test of Time

I was planning on not even posting today since I will most likely be very busy today but I decided to just post early in the morning, so todays post will be a bit short, but it's better then nothing I suppose. This is not a top 3 list, meaning that it is not in any order of preference, I may even do a "3 MORE Games That Have Withstood the Test of Time" post eventually.

1. Halo 2 (Xbox)
I know, this one isn't really that old and most people play Halo 3, and will then move on to Halo Reach, but the other day me and my friend played Halo 2, and it was like so awesome. I had completely forgotten about the vehicles and several other featres that they took out in Halo 3 that were in the previous game. I am pretty sure that plenty of people still play the game and so it won't be so hard to find an online match, but the matchmaking system was a bit complicated when we tried, we were used to the Halo 3 matchmaking system that was so dumbed down that even a 3 year old could play... and maybe that's why there are so many little kids playing. Anyway, if you miss the good old vehicles they took out, or perhaps dual weilding needlers, then give Halo 2 a try again, you won't regret it since so many others still play it too.

2. Super Mario Bros. (NES)
This one is obvious, I mean this game is so common that the first level has been copied and pasted in almost every platformer ever, there were so many copies sold, I found mine in a book store, literally just in between a bunch of books, they were just selling Super Mario Bros. for the NES because they had a ton of them. I not only have the game with Duck Hunt, but thanks to my uncle I have it with Duck Hunt and World Class Track Meet. I seriously can't plug in my NES without popping this game in and playing for just a bit. This game is so well known that your parents probably remember it if you weren't around for the NES days like me.

3. Tetris (Like EVERY console)
Tetris may be a game for casual gamers... mostly... but like most puzzle games of it's kind, it is extremely simple but at the same time very addicting. Even though modern casual gaming companies *cough* PopCap *cough* seem to make the game even easier and therfor less enjoyable for people like me (I don't need to be able to "save a block" for later goddammit) it's still nice to pop in an old version like the one for my original Gameboy or for the NES. Even though I like Tetris I don't think it's something I will play when I am in a serious gaming mood, it's good for when I need a distraction while I'm in a long car drive or when I am waiting for something and need to play a game that will make me forget about time entirely but I can put down whenever I want. I mean, when I need to wait for something that will happen in several hours then maybe I'll just play Saints Row 2 or something, but when I need to wait like half an hour or so then Tetris is perfect because I won't get that tired of it and I won't need to stop to save or anything.

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