Friday, April 30, 2010


Well, today I had to stay home because I'm feelin quite under the weather, but I am feeling well enough to post so here we go. Oh right, I forgot to explain, I mean if the title of this post wasn't descriptive enough, this is just random updates and pieces of info and other stuff in one post since I am totally out of ideas for new posts and lists and all that good stuff.

Ok so first off is the boxart for two new Naruto Games, Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 and Kizuna Drive:

Kizuna Drive

Storm 2

Hmmm... that Storm 2 one probably got cut off... Ok if it did then just view the whole picture here. Since this is just a random post I might as well just give my opinion on those two games so far, as of now I will be getting Kizuna Drive but most likely not import it, unless of course it is a Japan exclusive and it is actually good. And about Storm 2... I don't know, I will probably get it and if I do I will get it on the PS3, but I mean... It's just... the first Storm game felt like they put no care into it at all, and since I would rather not explain EVERY reason I didn't like Storm then let me just tell you a little experiment me and my friend did, we gave his little 3 or 4 year old brother the controller and he was able to beat us with practically a perfect by just pushing one button over and over again, he literally didn't even know how to play and we tried to fight back as best as we could but we lost every time. So if they actually work on Storm 2 instead of sit on their asses and copy what the other Naruto games are doing, then make is worse and say that they've worked on it for years then I will get Storm 2, but if it's just like the first game then I'll either skip on it, or wait til I can get a used copy dirt cheap.

Ok, one other little random thing is that I used that Sony Bluetooth while playing MAG the other day and I liked it. I started to understand what people meant by uncomfortable, but I still think it isn't THAT bad. I don't really know what else to say, I feel like I got my money's worth and whatnot.

Uhhh... Let's see... I guess the final piece of info I have is that the Heat the Soul 7 Website was... Kind of updated... it just basically replaced the regular pictures on the home page with pictures involving Ichigo's new hollow form and Ulquiorra's Ressurection. You can view it here.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Favorite Gaming "Headsets"

This is in no particular order, I'm just sort of gonna talk about headsets in this post, well one of them isn't actually a headset... but you'll see what I mean by that later.

Ok so the first headset I would like to talk about is the good old wired Xbox 360 headset. This is one of my favorites because it is wired but it plugs into the controller, and since damn near every game on the 360 uses the controller (I'm saying near every game because of that Tom Clancy game that used voice commands and if that doesn't count then soon enough I can just say Natal) and the controller is wireless so it really works out. The sound quality is not AMAZINGLY AWESOME but it isn't bad in any way, I can often understand other people and they can often understand me, it is also quite user friendly and it comes with most Xbox 360 bundles if I'm not mistaken.

The next one I would like to talk about is the Official Sony Bluetooth Headset for the PS3 which I got just recently. I am gonna be honest I haven't used it yet for gaming, but I do know that the sound quality is good with my phone, which it worked with, and it charged pretty fast for a bluetooth with supposedly 8 hours of charge, if you are wondering how long exactly it takes to charge, it's about 2 hours. It was incredibly easy to sync up with my PS3 and my phone, but let me address a little issue most people have with this headset... People often complain about it being to uncomfortable in their ears, well I will admit it isn't exactly comfortable but it is nowhere near as bad as people say it is, at least for me, I mean I am a teenager with average sized ears and it really doesn't bother me that much. I had even heard a few reviews that said it was almost like the headset wasn't made for the human ear and that they couldn't stand having it in their ear for longer then 20 minutes before they had to stop playing and take a break. Then again, it could just be me, I mean it could be just fine for me but terrible for somebody else. About the design of the headset, well, the little tab you pull out for connecting it directly to your PS3, for like syncing it up the easy way and whatnot is quite difficult to put back in place. Also, there is a nice little mute mic button on the headset, and not to mention little volume buttons on the side, so it is actually pretty cool.

This is what I meant about not being a headset, and like my PS3 Bluetooth I have not used this in actual gameplay but I plan to when I finally play Monster Hunter Tri online for the first time. I would mainly like to talk about this because, like most of the peripherals Nintendo makes, the Wii Speak is very interesting and new. Basically it is a mic that picks up noise from pretty much just in the room, so instead of speaking directly into it or wearing it as a headset, you just sit sort of near it and talk while you are playing. I find this a LITTLE bit inconvenient because with a headset I could still watch TV and stuff while I play the game, as long as it isn't to loud, but with the Wii Speak I can't have any noise going on at all, I mean I can't even have my air conditioner on. But on the bright side, it does come with a little thing to attach it to your Sensor Bar, which is great for me, but if you have the Sensor Bar on the bottom of your TV it is a problem since the Wii Speak goes on the top of the TV, or like it's supposed to. Luckily the Wii Speak comes with like extra little things to stick it to your Sensor Bar or to your TV. I only know of two games so far that support the Wii Speak and those are Animal Crossing City Folk and Monster Hunter Tri, but I have yet to play Monster Hunter Tri online and everybody I played with on City Folk either didn't have one or just felt like not using it. Oh and before I end this post I forgot to mention, the Wii Speak is actually kind of cool when you have other people over because they can talk into the mic as well with ease.

Monday, April 26, 2010

This Week... No wait... Last Week in Weekly Jump... Kinda...

Ok so those of you who actually read these posts know that last week I only read Naruto, and since I don't feel like explaining this week I'm just gonna read last week's Bleach... I am still doing projects today so I don't have alot of time to spare, I was going to do something else in this post but I seriously couldn't come up with anything at all, sorry.

Bleach Chapter 400

Current Fights: Ichigo Vs Gin and Isshin Vs Aizen

- As the chapter begins we cut to a barely conscious Rangiku as she sees Gin, I hope we don't get anymore flashbacks about Rangiku and Gin unless they go more in depth then the others.

- Gin calls Ichigo scary for some reason, I mean has he ever looked in a mirror when his eyes are open? He is scary as hell whenever he opens them.

- Gin's sword retracted (I see that smirk on your face, stop thinking dirty) without Ichigo noticing, and then Gin says that Ichigo like stopped it himself or something... I feel like I missed something.

- Ichigo is assuming Gin is trying to trick him and that he has only retracted his sword and not disengaged his Bankai so if Gin just points the tip of his sword (I said STOP thinking dirty) at Ichigo then he can pretty much skewer him.

- Gin does just that, but only cuts his shoulder.

- Wow, Gin is alot more strategic than I thought, he told Ichigo all of that stuff about his Bankai just so that it would make Ichigo not question the speed of how it can contract and retract.

- Gin tells Ichigo how fast his Zanpakutou is by clapping once as fast as he could, and saying it's 500 times that... This speed stuff will be better explained in the anime... which by the way I'm pretty sure is finally out of filler, yay!

- The chapter ends as we cut back to the Aizen Vs Isshin battle, and Aizen says he will soon like fuse with the Hogyoku or something.

Like I said, I wish I could put more in this post... but I have to get back to my Book report.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Monster Hunter Tri First Impressions

Ok so I have 3 projects to finish over this weekend and was planning on not even posting today, but since I took a break recently I figured that wouldn't be very fair. However, that does mean that this post might be a little short and I apologize in advance for that.

Alright, I got Monster Hunter Tri on release date and I even pre-ordered it, I also bought a Classic Controller Pro just for this game, I was really hyped up for it and... it was just as awesome as I thought it would be. With this being my first Monster Hunter game, I honestly didn't know what to expect, but I was practically blown away by the game's awesomeness. Ok so maybe the fishing quest (or possibly quests later on) was quite annoying and made me just give up the quest, but the rest of the game was just badass. I have yet to play the game online or even play offline co-op so I don't know if the offline or online co-op is any good, but I'm assuming it must be if people are actually willing to pay $5 a month for it. I found the bug catching a bit annoying and I feel like (since I have yet to catch a single bug) I am doing something wrong. Believe it or not, I think the swimming mechanics are actually... good... wow, did I just say a game had GOOD swimming mechanics? Damn, I guess I did, well yeah the swimming mechanics are good but not perfect, honestly though I'm not really gonna complain that much since at least they don't suck. But, it just kinda seems frustrating killing things underwater sometimes. Which reminds me of something people new to Monster Hunter complain about alot, the lack of a lock-on feature, which I don't get, I mean maybe it was a little frustrating at the beginning of the game, but you get used to it in practically no time and feel like a lock-on feature isn't really needed at all. Basically, this game is just awesome, a great reason to dust off that old white brick collecting dust in the corner of your room, it called the Nintendo Wii, I'll just let the two of you get reacquainted.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

News Update... and Like Other Stuff...

I was going to do a first impressions Monster Hunter Tri post today, but there was a huge announcement I just found out about today, a few little things from dothackers, and I would also like to recommend a cool webiste I found out about a few weeks ago.

Alright if you seriously don't already know what the big announcement was, then here it is, an actual teaser trailer for Marvel Vs Capcom 3, and no it is not April 1st and you are not about to get rickroll'd, this is seriously the real freakin deal:

I seriously can't wait til this game comes out and this trailer makes me so happy that they are confirming Morrigan already. Ok, based on the trailer we have 6 confirmed characters and those characters are:
- Ryu (obviously)
- Morrigan (freakin awesome)
- Chris Redfield (if we had Jill in the previous game, why not Chris?)

Marvel (honestly I pretty much knew all three of these characters would be in the game, I mean come on who didn't see this coming from a mile away?)
- Wolverine
- The Hulk
- Iron Man

Alright now on to the .hack news, for those of you lucky bastards who live in Japan, .hack//LiVE will be on May 9th. I seriously wish I could go so badly however, sadly I live halfway across the globe so I can't... also this is kind of old news by now, but teaser pictures for something called ".hack//3rd Season" and "4th era" have been scanned from the art books that came with the special edition of .hack//Link in Japan, you can view these scans here and here. As to what these exactly are I have no clue, but you can read these full articles and more at

And before I end this post I would like to mention a website called fiverr, where you can either do things like photoshop a picture or even draw a picture for somebody and get $5 for it, or you could pay somebody $5 to do things like that, I must admit that it took me a while with my mediocre talents to get my first sale, but I did make $5 off of something that took no less than 30 minutes.

Monday, April 19, 2010

I know your sick and tired of hearing this but...

Ok, I have a crap ton of homework, not to mention two projects that I am given almost no time at all to do, I also have like the worst migraine in the world, so I am taking a break for today... or like tomorrow since I write these a day before I post them. I have had like 6 days since my last break that I felt like not posting but I just somehow pushed myself to post all of those days, but today... I seriously need a break, I am sure that I will not skip my next post day, especially with Monster Hunter Tri coming out, but now I have to get back to my homework... I am seriously sorry for not being able to post today, I feel awful but I need to focus on my school work.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Gaming News

I will most likely be busy on the day I am supposed to post, so this post will be pretty short, and I really apologize for that, but it is late, and I will have no time tomorrow, so let's just get started. Ok, first up, confirmed that the Pokepark Wii game will be seeing a release outside of Japan, and their source is riiight here. Also, Bleach Heat the Soul 7 was announced, and I am seriously happy about that. You can find the announcement scan right here, and as the scan shows Allon, or Ayon, whatever his name is, has been confirmed as a character, or maybe much like Zatch Bell: Mamodo Fury, he is only a boss character, however if he is actually playable then that means we might be seeing other characters that people said we wouldn't get because they were waaaay to damn big. Also, the scan also shows a feature recently added into the newest Ultimate Ninja game, and also a very popular feature in the PS2 Bleach fighting game series, Bleach Blade Battlers... 4 player battles. I seriously hope it is done well like in Blade Battlers and not just like an annoying feature tacked on to make me yell in frustration from unfair AI in a 1 on 3 battle. Also, there was a newer scan that can be viewed right here. The scan confirms Ulquiorra's Ressurecion form and Ichigo's new Hollow Ichigo form, two characters we knew would obviously be in the game. Like I said before, I am seriously sorry about this post being so short but I am having trouble staying awake and whatnot and I will probably be busy all day tomorrow, or well, it won't exactly be tommorrow since this will be like posted on Sunday or something, but whatever it doesn't matter. Oh, I almost forgot, you can also go to Serebii to check out all the info on the new next gen Pokemon games recently announced, Black and White versions, the main reason I didn't really bring it up is because it's kind of already old news as I am typing this on Friday... So on Sunday it'll be older news.

Friday, April 16, 2010

This Week in Weekly Jump (and other stuff...)

I am actually supposed to be studying right now, but I remembered I had to post today and I am damn well going to so let's get crackin.

Naruto Chapter 491

Current Fight: None

- The chapter begins as Naruto is uhh... swallowing the scroll toad alive...? Wait, what?

- I guess he needs to do that in order to control the Kyubi or something since it just happens and I guess Kishimoto just thought we were supposed to catch on or something.

- Naruto still needs to find the "octopus" as previously mentioned by the elder frog when he saw Naruto's future, I think it will be pretty cool when the last two Jinchuriki meet each other, it means we have a bit more time before Killer Bee dies...

- So Naruto goes back to the village to find that the villagers actually want his autograph and they even sort of look up to him instead of hating him like before.

- Ok so now we cut to another Kage meeting...

- All of the Kages took a vote and decided to hide the two remaining Jinchuriki instead of actually use their power in the war.

- They decide to hide them in an island in the Cloud village, as there are no Akatsuki members from that village.

- When Naruto reaches the island he finds that it is much like Konoha's Forest of Death...

- They get attacked by a giant squid on the boat, and the chapter ends as Killer Bee takes it out with ease.

Ok so I will actually be getting this week's issue of Weekly jump from my Dad's friend who is currently in Japan, so to enjoy it more I will not be reading this week's Bleach chapter until I see it in it's original form. So to not just cut you off and be a jerk, I will have a little short review... or more like kind of a first impression of Killer 7:

Ok, so I bought the Gamecube version of Killer 7 a long time ago and played up to the second save point because I didn't understand what the hell was going on and I think I bought something really time consuming like Okami on that same day. I saw LittleKuriboh's dub of a scene in Killer 7 and it reminded me that I actually own the game and wondered why the hell I stopped playing, as I had recalled, the game was badass but the story was a bit confusing, but that hasn't ever been a problem for me, I mean I loved Sin and Punishment. So I put it back into my beautiful cubed gaming machine, and thought again, "Why did I stop playing this game? It's freakin AWESOME". I made it a bit past the second save point this time, but once I got to the point I knew I had to do some backtracking, I was just waaaay to tired to go on playing, and once I finish studying after typing this post, I will continue to play the game, tedious backtracking or not. Oh and before I finish this post I would just like to say, that the Heaven Smile in Killer 7 probably scared me more then any monster in any video game ever... I mean... you shoot their legs off and you think they're just gonna lay there... but the bastards just start effin crawling faster then they were walking.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Games I Am Totally Psyched For...

Just like my previous post these are not in any order of preference, these are just the three games I plan on getting on release date in the next few months, or in the case of one of these games, weeks. Also, they all happen to be Wii games, I just noticed that after finishing the post. Also, sorry if this post is a bit short, I am trying to stay awake as best as I can right now, so at least I'm not taking ANOTHER day off, since I have taken way to many of those. Sorry for adding another little note here, but if my friend (who shall remain nameless) were to read this list, it would just flip him off in the face because of the fact that he constantly tells me the Wii was good for the Conduit and the Conduit alone.

1. Monster Hunter Tri (Wii)

Well I was about to tell you how psyched I was to get a Classic Controller Pro bundled with this game but that bundle apparently no longer exists... So just a heads up, since I planned on getting a classic controller pro, and now I have to technically pay $10 more to get it, I actually, might have to possibly not get the game on release since I am tight on money, so congrats Gamestop, for yanking the bundle I think I might just buy the game purposely at Gamecrazy. Anyway, I was planning on importing this game but eventually I just decided to wait for it to come out in America and now I seriously can't wait to play it. I haven't played the Monster Hunter series before and I hope this game is a good start off, of course thanks to all of the innovations of the game, I'm sure they will spoil me crazy and trying to go backwards in the series is gonna be a pain. Anyway, I'm sure this game will be great and I cannot wait to finally play it after I have heard so much about.

2. Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii)

Do I even have to write (or type... or whatever) anything for this one... I mean come on... It's freakin Mario... and the first Galaxy was so awesome, that just like Brawl I stayed up for well over 24 hours and bought several energy drinks just to stay awake to play more, and when I finally fell asleep, I recall that my dreams were about playing the game more. So obviously since Galaxy 2 looks even better then the first, I seriously can't wait to play it. I seriously look away when I see videos or pictures of the game because I do not want anything about this game spoiled at all, I mean all that was spoiled about the original game for me was that spider boss, and that was pretty much it. I know that much like New Super Mario Bros, once my brother finds out I have this game I will wake up one morning and my Wii will be gone and I won't see it for weeks. Honestly I do not know what else to say, besides the fact that this game is gonna be freakin awesome and I seriously cannot wait until it comes out.

3. Sin & Punishment: Star Successor [AKA: Sin & Punishment 2] (Wii)

I had to put that little "AKA" in there for those of you who either want to stay traditional to the Japanese version, or if you're like me and you would rather say Sin and Punishment 2 because it's easier. Anyway, I heard alot good things about this game and it just sort of sparked my interest, so a few months or so ago I decided to buy the virtual console version of the original N64 game that only came out in Japan, and yeah the voice acting was probably the worst I had ever heard, and I admit the story was a tad confusing, but the gameplay was so awesomely badass. I saw screenshots and a few videos of the sequal and I seriously wanted to import it, but I have decided to just wait for the US version, and much like waiting for Monster Hunter Tri and new Venture Brothers episodes, it seems like times flies by so fast but those things don't seem to feel like they're getting any closer. I have read nothing on the plot, and I am hoping that this might be a bit easier to understand, instead of feeling like one of those games you have to have the manual for the litle story summary thing at the begining. Then again, I wouldn't mind if it was all cheezy like the first game since I just seem to be such a fan of things like that.

Monday, April 12, 2010

3 Games That Have Withstood the Test of Time

I was planning on not even posting today since I will most likely be very busy today but I decided to just post early in the morning, so todays post will be a bit short, but it's better then nothing I suppose. This is not a top 3 list, meaning that it is not in any order of preference, I may even do a "3 MORE Games That Have Withstood the Test of Time" post eventually.

1. Halo 2 (Xbox)
I know, this one isn't really that old and most people play Halo 3, and will then move on to Halo Reach, but the other day me and my friend played Halo 2, and it was like so awesome. I had completely forgotten about the vehicles and several other featres that they took out in Halo 3 that were in the previous game. I am pretty sure that plenty of people still play the game and so it won't be so hard to find an online match, but the matchmaking system was a bit complicated when we tried, we were used to the Halo 3 matchmaking system that was so dumbed down that even a 3 year old could play... and maybe that's why there are so many little kids playing. Anyway, if you miss the good old vehicles they took out, or perhaps dual weilding needlers, then give Halo 2 a try again, you won't regret it since so many others still play it too.

2. Super Mario Bros. (NES)
This one is obvious, I mean this game is so common that the first level has been copied and pasted in almost every platformer ever, there were so many copies sold, I found mine in a book store, literally just in between a bunch of books, they were just selling Super Mario Bros. for the NES because they had a ton of them. I not only have the game with Duck Hunt, but thanks to my uncle I have it with Duck Hunt and World Class Track Meet. I seriously can't plug in my NES without popping this game in and playing for just a bit. This game is so well known that your parents probably remember it if you weren't around for the NES days like me.

3. Tetris (Like EVERY console)
Tetris may be a game for casual gamers... mostly... but like most puzzle games of it's kind, it is extremely simple but at the same time very addicting. Even though modern casual gaming companies *cough* PopCap *cough* seem to make the game even easier and therfor less enjoyable for people like me (I don't need to be able to "save a block" for later goddammit) it's still nice to pop in an old version like the one for my original Gameboy or for the NES. Even though I like Tetris I don't think it's something I will play when I am in a serious gaming mood, it's good for when I need a distraction while I'm in a long car drive or when I am waiting for something and need to play a game that will make me forget about time entirely but I can put down whenever I want. I mean, when I need to wait for something that will happen in several hours then maybe I'll just play Saints Row 2 or something, but when I need to wait like half an hour or so then Tetris is perfect because I won't get that tired of it and I won't need to stop to save or anything.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

This Week in Weekly Jump

I always say I am busy when I do these posts, but this time I am not busy at all, I am however extremely tired and am falling asleep as I am typing this so I still have to rush this one.

Naruto Chapter 490

Current Fight: None

- We left off as Kabuto wanted to join the Akatsuki and gave a few old (and dead) friends as a gift to Tobi, using the same jutsu Orochimaru used to bring back the first two Hokages.

- The people he revived were Itachi, Sasori, Deidara, Kakuzu (who I thought looked like Orochimaru...), and Nagato.

- Kabuto says all he wants in return is Sasuke so that he can have a live Uchiha, after Tobi refuses Kabuto brings up another coffin, that of course is covered by everything at every damn angle, and whatever this thing is (I'm tired of waiting like 30 chapters to be told what something was that was hinted at) it really pisses off Tobi.

- Tobi accepts his request because of what was in the "mystery coffin" over there, but says he must test Kabuto out in battle before he hands over Sasuke.

- Anko and her investigation team seem to find Tobi and Kabuto thanks to the trail of dead bodies Kabuto left behind.

- Anko desides to do the smart thing and head back to the village, let's hope their journey back doesn't get stopped by the stereotypical "stop right there" or whatever.

- We cut back to Naruto as the toads explain the process of "controlling" the Kyubi, and it isn't a very easy one.

- They basically say like 10 times that if Naruto's will is stronger than the Kyubi he can control it... like seriously their whole conversation is just a little helpful flashback, then repeating that over and over again.

- Naruto agrees to sign the key... thing and then we cut over to Killer Bee.

- Oh, I guess we only cut back to Killer Bee for 1 tiny little panel... we actually cut back to the war meeting thing in the cloud village so we still... kinda cut back to Killer Bee.

- And the chapter ends as the Raikage announces a Ninja Allience meeting to be called in the next three days.

Bleach Capter 399

Current Fight: Ichigo and Isshin Vs Aizen and Gin

- So we left off from where Ichigo and Isshin team up to fight Aizen and Gin.

- I could have sworn Gin activated his Bankai at the end of the last chapter... hmm... he isn't using it... I think, well we'll see in a bit I suppose...

- I hate it whenever they talk about like "understanding peoples feelings when we clash swords" when I'm doing a summary, it's cool and all but it's just kinda weird to describe and if I don't then I go like 6 pages without typing a single word...

- Ok good, something is actually happening, Gin explains that in it's regular form (or Shikai I think) his sword can extend to the length of 100 swords (if you chuckled or even smiled from reading that your a bad person), but his bankai can go even further, so I guess he did use his Bankai.

- He says the exact distance for his Bankai is 13 km, unfortuanatly I have no clue at all how to measure in km.

- Gin cuts a few buildings in the background and then slashes at Ichigo, but he blockes it.

- The chapter ends as Ichigo uses Getsuga Tensho on Gin and we see that he is actually bleeding a bit.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Top 5 Games to Relieve Stress/Anger

Ok so this list is going to be a list of games to either relieve your anger or stress, because when your stressed out or pissed off, games like Prinny and Classic Megaman should be strongly avoided unless your so good at those games you could probably beat them without even getting hit once. Oh, and you know how my lists usually have something like Viewtiful Joe, or Okami, or Darkstalkers in them... well none of those will be in this list at all... not sure why that was important but my one viewer seemed a bit aggravated by how much I mention those games and this list idea was perfect for a little change of pace I suppose.

5. Devil May Cry 3 (PS2 and PC)
Yes, yes, I know what you're thinking, it's probably something like "Why the hell is this number 5 and ranked higher up on the list?" or something along those lines, and the reason is... well... the game can be a bit frustrating at times, not like bad game design frustrating (like Devil May Cry 2), more along the lines of difficult gameplay frustrating. And obviously getting frustrated is something to avoid when stressed out or pissed off. But I mean playing this game if you are really good at it, or just playing it on an easier difficulty, sure there is less challenge, but when your pissed or stressed out all you want to do it cut off demon's heads and fill their dead bodies with shotgun shells, not strategically dodge and carefully watch your every move so that you don't slip up. Honestly when in that kind of mood, I would recommend like any kind of beat-em-up or hack n' slasher as long as the game doesn't suck of course, but Devil May Cry 3 is one that I would recommend you just run into not caring at all about the story on an easy difficulty (unless even the hardest difficulty is a cakewalk for you, then just go with whatever you prefer) and destroy everything in sight.

4. Castle Crashers (Xbox 360)
Ok, so when I think hack n' slasher I usually think of this game, but the reason it is low on the list is because of a few major reasons. Reason #1 is because the game sometimes requires a bit of tedious grinding and to really spend your skill points and money carefully when you are playing alone. When you are playing with friends then grinding is usually not needed, but when your stressed out, you might not have friends over. Reason #2 is that most people play this game with friends and as previously mentioned you might not have friends over when your in a pissed off mood or stressed out. Since this game is just mindlessly cutting up everything in your path with all sorts of awesome weapons and magic, it's mind numbingly simple and very satisfying, however there are a few "change up the gameplay" stages that are just sort of frustrating and I recommend you don't play those. This is a downloadable game, so sorry if you don't have either a wired connection or the super expensive adapter (that should just be freakin built into the damn Xbox) you cannot buy it.

3. Metal Slug (Arcade, several console ports)
Ok, when I say Metal Slug, I mean like any Metal Slug game, just pick your favorite and either go to your local arcade (I actually play it at my local car washing place or at the bowling alley, they even had an arcade at Anime-expo last year with a Metal Slug game in it) or whatever console port version you have. Since this game isn't too hard and it can be found it practically any arcade these days, if you play the arcade version you might not even have to turn all of your weekly allowance into quarters like you would if an Alien Hominid arcade machine was made (oh god, if that happened then I would be spending like $5 a minute...) but it is still nice to have a console port so that it doesn't piss you off as much if you die since you don't have to pay.

2. Saints Row 2 (PS3 and Xbox 360)
A sandbox game is also good for relieving stress and whatnot, but when you want to just pop in Grand Theft Auto 4 to kill random civilians in the streets as they go about their daily lives, you realise the story of the game keeps getting in your way, like you tell the game "I want to jump off the tallest building in the game and land on an old lady" and the game says "play story mode for 15 more hours and you can!" but if I wanted to fly onto the tallest building in a UFO then jump off and land in the middle of ongoing traffic, Saints Row 2 has no problem with that at all, well assuming of course that I played the first hour or so of the game. But still, when you play Saints Row 2 for about 2 hours and you unlock the place with the air garage you pretty much have total freedom to do whatever you want wherever you want. I mean I literally pimp slapped a train in zero gravity, can you say that you did something that awesome in Grand Theft Auto 4? For those people who think Saints Row is just a stupid GTA clone, well it's basically everything I WANTED Grand Theft Auto 4 to be, plus a zombie apocalypse mini-game and a UFO, but sadly no jet packs. So if you want to randomly blow off some steam then this game is great for that since you can just pretty much do anything if you saved right after you got the place with the air garage.

1. No More Heroes 1 & 2 (Wii)
The reason I say 1 & 2, is because I would recommend both to relieve stress and whatnot, but if I had to choose one I would go with 2. Now, this is just my opinion and if you think that hearing enemies yell "My Spleen!" as you cut their heads off will help make you smile, then you can go ahead and choose the first game. The main reason these two games help so much is because, #1: The game is just so funny sometimes you can't help but smile at the things they say no matter how down you feel and #2: The fast paced and extremely gory action is just so hardcore that it's simply perfect for relieving anger and whatnot. Also, in the second game there is a neat little power-up that let's you turn into a tiger and rip people to shreds with the light tap of a single button. I often find that when I am pissed off lady luck is on my side as that random power-up generator seems to give the tiger ALOT when I am playing the game to just blow off steam. I would recommend that you should not try to fight Nathan Copeland while your already pissed off because he himself is so easy I think I had a tougher time with Skelter Helter, but the place you fight him in is designed to make you get all of your health and batteries drained the second you get to him, and all you can do is run back to your corner to charge and regain health if possible, but you only lose more health with your back turned and those stupid missiles firing at you every two seconds. So it felt alot better just beating up weak defenceless enemies. Anyway, I hope this list comes in handy when you feel like ripping something's head off but decide to go with the more sane decision and rip something's head off in a virtual world.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Xbox 360 Wireless N Networking Adapter and Game Room Short Review

Ok so the other day I realized that my super high tech game console built by freakin MICROSOFT doesn't have built in wi-fi, and even my little handheld bulky original (but still awesome) DS has built in wi-fi. So, this is a problem when I can't get a wired connection while at my mom's house, which is every other week, so I had to get the Xbox 360 Wireless N Networking Adapter (yes, I did just copy and paste that from, but I actually bought it on Amazon. Since I already owed my dad a ton of money for the Xbox, and we scored the Network Adapter for pretty cheap (at least cheaper than retail price, which is $99.99) my dad just gave it to me as sort of a gift so I don't know the exact price, sorry... I think it was around $70 or maybe $60, I really don't know. Anyway, like pretty much everything in packaging like the adapter it took alot of effort and really big scissors, and after getting cut by plastic like 6 times and ruining the packaging of ever being able to be reassembled again, I was able to get the adapter out. It also came with a bunch of instructions and a disk to install the drivers for the adapter on your computer... but I just put the adapter on my Xbox and configured the network (put the password and whatnot) and it just worked without needing any of the instructions or having to even turn on my computer so I don't know what those things are for. And since I got access to Xbox Live again I decided to download Game Room, a new... uhh... game... thing... sort of... that basically let's you download (buy) arcade games and put them in your own virtual arcade for you and your friends to play. It already has a wide variety of arcade, Intellivision, and Atari games even though it just recently launched, games run for about $3, which is a stretch for some of these crappy games, but I would gladly pay $3 for games like Temptest and Combat, two games my friend has in his arcade that I seriously want to download for myself. There are also tons of decorations and stuff to put in each room of your 3 story arcade (each story with several rooms) but alot of them require you to like level up or something but I have no idea HOW you level up so I am just pretty much stuck with the beginner rooms and beginner decorations. Anyway, I think that Game Room has plenty of possibilities and hopefully we will be seeing alot more great titles in the future.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

This Week in Weekly Jump

I'm in quite the rush like usual so... let's just get started...

Naruto Chapter 489

Current Battle: None

- So we start the chapter off on Mount Myobokuzan (the place with all the frogs...) as they are all having a discussion about if Naruto can learn to control the Kyubi like Jiraya said Minato wanted him to.

- We cut back to Tsunade who is eating like crazy to replenish her chakras so she doesn't turn back into her super old form again.

- Then we cut over to Karin being interrogated and they don't beleive her lies about her being forced to work for Sasuke and whatnot so she agrees to tell the truth for a few silly conditions like food.

- Sorry if this seems short, there is alot of stuff that isn't really that important that's going on... ok here we go something important...

- They begin a war council in Konoha with a surprising guest, Shikamaru.

- Naruto get's summoned back to Mount Myobokuzan so that the elder toad (or whatever his name is) can read his future.

- Aparently Naruto's future includes him meeting an octopus (obviously Killer Bee...) and fighting someone with "power in his eyes" (obviously Sasuke).

- The old toad "gives" Naruto the key to unlock the kyubi (it was less of a key and more of a scroll infused with a toad but whatever).

- We finally get to see what Kabuto has been up to, and aparently he has stopped by to say hi to Tobi.

- Oh crap, well, Kabuto didn't come to say hi to Tobi so he could kick his @$$... he went to see Tobi to use that ressurection jutsu Orochimaru used to "bring back" the first and second Hokage, but this time he used it to "bring back" Itach, Sasori, Deidara, and who I am guessing are Orochimaru and Pein.

- Oh, and that's where the chapter ends.

Bleach Chapter 398

Current Battle: Isshin Vs Aizen

- Ok, so we left off as Isshin (Ichigo's dad) came out of freaking nowhere to fight Aizen.

- Ichigo is extremely shocked and asks his dad if it's really him, Isshin simply turns his head to Ichigo and headbutt's him.

- Isshin tells Ichigo that he will explain everything to him soon, but Ichigo tells him that he doesn't need to know yet since he must have had a good reason to not explain it already.

- They sort of get into a father-son kinda happy mood for a while then we cut back to Aizen as not even he can find Isshin's reitsu under the powerful barrier he set up.

- Aizen finally acknowledged the fact that Gin is there... saying he has been a spectator for quite a long time, when Gin responds by saying he simply thought Aizen didn't need any help.

- Ichigo sneaks up on Gin, and Isshin sneaks up on Aizen, now that is what I call father-son teamwork.

- I have no idea what happened at the end of the chapter... but I think Isshin sent Azien flying threw buildings by flipping him off...

Friday, April 2, 2010

News Update

I'm very pissed off at the new youtube video page, for ALOT of reasons, and I just saw it for the first time 2 minutes before I wrote this... I want to go to wherever the youtube executives live and just stand in front of their building and flip them off, in fact if I got the chance to, I wouldn't even leave, I would just stand there for days flipping them off and kicking everyone who comes out of the building in the balls. Anyway, let's get on to the actual news update so I can go back to reading the hilarious lists over at Cracked... First off, we have a little teaser for the new .hack//Link anime:

For more .hack info visit Ok, the next little piece of info is that the NeoToonami review of Kingdom Hearts RE: Chain of Memories is almost on the way as it is in the recording phase. For more info and several other new posts I didn't mention on Neotoonami visit this link.

And the last awesome piece of news, I didn't even know this... but Prinny 2 came out in Japan on March 25th! Here's the trailer for those who haven't seen it yet:

There is no info at all on a US release, but I mean the original was announced for the US like a month before it came out and it took 3 months from Japan to get over to America, so give it about that long for the sequel before you start complaining.